How to Provide Hiring Managers Interview Training

Training for hiring managers includes convincing them of the necessity of interviews, providing preparation checklists, and providing training on how to reduce bias and understand structured interviews. This also includes imparting knowledge of body language and seeking professional help, which contributes to better attitudes and better employer branding.

Hiring managers are just as important to the hiring process as hiring managers - if not more so. They are often the ones who advertise a new position and ultimately make the final decision about who gets hired. However, it is crucial that they know how to conduct effective and unbiased interviews - so training for hiring managers is a must. In this guide, you'll find everything you need to train hiring managers to be effective, unbiased interviewers so they can get the best candidate for the job.

Even experienced HR managers can benefit from interview training. Here's how to create an effective training plan for hiring teams:

Convince managers that they need training

Experienced hiring managers likely know how to build rapport with applicants and recognize candidates' potential. But more complex interview techniques such as combating bias, using structured interviews and avoiding cliche questions are not always associated with the experience of hiring managers.

Arrange a meeting with the hiring managers and discuss the status of the hiring process and their interview procedures. Give them some pointers on what they can improve. Research can add weight to your recommendations. For example, if you want to convince a hiring manager to use structured interviews, you can show them research that shows structured interviews are better hiring tools.

Give hiring managers an interview preparation checklist

Create different interview checklists for hiring managers:

  • Can I talk about the company's strategy, mission and structure?
  • Can I answer questions about discounts and benefits?
  • Do I know what the job description includes?
  • Have I coordinated with my team?
  • Have I read the applicants' CVs?
  • Do I know what questions I will be asked in the interview?
  • Will my interview questions be checked for legality by HR?

Train interviewers

Training HR managers to combat prejudice

The best way to combat interview bias is to be aware of it. This doesn't happen overnight - it takes time and effort. A good place to start would be to help interviewers discover their hidden biases:

  • Encourage them to take the Harvard Implicit Association Test.
  • Show them instructional videos
  • Conduct “bias experiments” during a training session.

Training HR managers to understand structured interviews

Structured interviews are more objective and legally defensible than unstructured interviews. Hiring managers using this interview format should learn how to prepare behavioral questions, understand rating scales, and rate candidates consistently.

Here are some ideas to help interviewers understand structured interviews:

Self-study. This structured interview guide contains all the information hiring managers need to structure their interview process.

Experiments. Advise interviewers to familiarize themselves with the interview scorecard format your company uses. If you use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) like IceHrm's recruitment module, encourage interviewers to log in and create their own scorecards.

Practice. Mock interviews can help inexperienced HR managers familiarize themselves with the interview situation. For example, they can practice taking short notes to avoid being distracted by their notes during the actual conversation.

Educate HR managers about body language

When HR managers better perceive applicants' non-verbal signals, they can refine their interview skills. For example, if applicants' body language indicates that they are anxious, interviewers may make a conscious effort to calm applicants. It's a good idea to also train interviewers to control their own body language. Even if hiring managers think candidates are unqualified, they shouldn't allow their body language to negatively impact the candidate's experience.

Investing time and effort into executive interview training will be worth it. As a result, your team will make better hires, promote your employer brand, and improve the candidate experience.

Tips by IceHrm, a promising digital HR software.