How To Create a Timeline for The Hiring Process

Basics of the hiring process (timeline)

What is that?

The hiring process timeline is the period and series of activities you undertake between opening and closing a position.

According to the Society of Human Resource Management, the average hiring process takes 42 days. However, keep in mind that this is just an estimate and not set in stone.

Why is it important to have a clear schedule?

A clear hiring timeline brings structure and predictability to your business. It is also a great communication and tracking tool for those involved in the hiring process. A structured schedule increases transparency and ensures that everyone involved is on the same page and can plan their time accordingly.

Hiring process flowchart

If you're looking for ways to make the timeline and hiring process more engaging and understandable, consider creating a flowchart.

A hiring process flowchart is a visual representation of how your company plans to recruit talent. It can be a simple drawing or an individual design.

How to create a timeline for the hiring process

If creating a schedule is a good idea for you, let's dive into how you can create one:

Step 1: Set a deadline

Start with the end date and plan backward. What does that mean? Set a specific deadline by which you must onboard the new talent. Based on that end date, think about what needs to be done to achieve it.

Pro Tip: Look at your previous hiring processes and determine how long each phase of the process takes.

Step 2: Set a target number of applicants

The thing about the hiring process is that it can seem constant. It is therefore important to determine the number of applicants you would like to invite for an interview in order to fill the position in a timely manner.

Step 3: Schedule interviews

Once you know the applicant's deadline and goal, you can set a time frame for scheduling interviews. Although we encourage you to be flexible when scheduling interviews, you should also consider some firm boundaries and time limits.

Step 4: Schedule time for reviews

One of the most common mistakes HR managers make is not setting aside time for reviews. When planning the schedule, be sure to allow for a period of time for the hiring approval process.

Speeding up the hiring process

We know what you're thinking. In fact, there is a lot that can be done to ensure an efficient hiring process.

We come to your rescue and would like to give you three tips to speed up the hiring process:

1: Use social media

Everyone is on social media today and is much easier to reach than the old hiring methods. Make sure your company has a consistent online presence and take advantage of the recruiting tools available to you. You can also use IceHrm's integration with LinkedIn to make your life easier.

2: Adjust after hiring

Qualifications are necessary, but attitude should be the deciding factor. If you hire someone with a great attitude, it means they are open to new things and can adapt to different circumstances.

3: Practice your interviews

Practice makes perfect. Although we usually think about the applicant when interviewing, it is important to also consider the hiring manager. You can role-play and practice the interview process with your colleagues or the HR manager. This will help you identify the blind spots and figure out how to do it better.

Hiring Process Schedule FAQ

How long should the hiring process take?
It usually lasts up to 42 days. You can adjust the schedule depending on your industry, resources and project.

How long are applicants typically on the market?
Some studies have confirmed that the best talent is off the market within 10 days or even less.

Embrace a new era of talent acquisition with Icehrm's Hiring Process Solutions. From streamlined candidate sourcing to efficient on-boarding, our system transforms the recruitment journey. Experience the power of well-managed hiring processes, fostering a culture of excellence and propelling your organization towards success. With Icehrm, the future of hiring is at your fingertips – unlock it now and lead your team towards building a top-tier workforce.