Enhancing Job Satisfaction: 23 Strategies for 2024

The average person spends 90,000 hours at work over the course of their life, which is a long time if they hate their job. Imagine the difference between an employee who is constantly staring at the clock wishing the hours would fly by and someone whose day flies by because they feel happy and fulfilled in their role. This is why job satisfaction is crucial - it affects how we spend our lives and what our mood is outside of work.

This guide takes an in-depth look at job satisfaction, why it's important and what strategies employers can use to increase employee satisfaction.

What is job satisfaction?

Job satisfaction is the feeling of fulfillment and pleasure that your employees experience from their work. It's a key driver of employee engagement and overall job satisfaction, and something companies should strive for for their team members. It could look like that:

  • Employees get up in the morning and look forward to the day ahead.
  • You look forward to taking on new challenges and learning new skills
  • At the end of a project they look back and are proud of what they have achieved.
  • They tell their friends, family and professional network how much they enjoy their role.
  • You are not currently looking for another role outside the company‍

Why is job satisfaction important?

The benefits of job satisfaction are cumulative: the happier employees are, the more likely they are to stay at their jobs, perform better, and be more engaged. Here are some reasons why job satisfaction is important for your company.

Positive business results

No employer wants dissatisfied, depressed employees working for them. Their performance may be affected and their mood may leave customers with a negative impression. Fortunately, a study by the Association for Psychological Science found that the opposite is also true. High job satisfaction improves employee retention and customer loyalty, which has a positive financial impact for companies.

Increased productivity

Employees who are enthusiastic about their work are very focused and enjoy working with their colleagues. It follows that these highly motivated employees demonstrate excellent efficiency and productivity, as the study "The Impact of Working Environment on Job Satisfaction" shows.

Better work-life balance

Your employees need to rest and recharge their batteries outside of work to maintain consistent levels of productivity. To have fun at work, you don't have to light the candle at both ends, but rather draw clear boundaries between your personal and professional life. According to the study "Affect and Job Satisfaction: A Study of Their Relationship at Work and at Home," people with higher job satisfaction have a more positive mood, which is noticeable in both their personal and professional lives.

What factors influence job satisfaction?

So how do we achieve that holy grail of happy employees who love their work and are loyal to the company? Employers can focus on the following key job satisfaction factors:

Employee recognition

Recognizing employees for their daily contributions to the company is a simple process that can be integrated into company culture and has a huge impact on employee morale. In a survey of 1,000 full-time U.S. employees conducted by IceHrm, 87% of respondents said meaningful recognition impacts their job satisfaction. Pay attention to the word “useful.” Effective recognition is not about empty words without value. It's about expressing gratitude for specific examples of their work in a way that resonates with employees.

Organizational culture

Your employees are unlikely to feel comfortable in their roles if the overarching culture is a mess. It is important to focus on the individual's performance goals and career development, but that alone will not increase job satisfaction. The Conference Board's job satisfaction statistics show that 77.4% of employees are more likely to stay with their employer if they are satisfied with the company culture. This number drops to 23.8% of employees who are less satisfied and have less intention to stay.

Quality of leadership

Not surprisingly, bad managers also have an impact on employee satisfaction. From micromanagement to a lack of empathy, there are many ways poor leadership can affect employee morale. 80.4% of employees who were satisfied with their company's leaders were likely to stay in their position, compared to 27.4% of those who were not.

Work-life balance

Employers cannot control what their employees do outside of work, but they can support their employees with their individual needs by making it easier for employees to manage both aspects of their lives.

75.5% of employees are more likely to stay with a company that offers a healthy work-life balance, compared to 24.5% who do not experience this in their position.

Diversity, equality, inclusion and belonging

Job satisfaction is something that employers should provide to each of their employees. Nevertheless, there is a clear gap in the level of satisfaction between men and women in their positions.

The Conference Board's job satisfaction survey found that women are significantly less satisfied in 26 work areas. The greatest differences lie in the financial aspects of their jobs, including job security, promotion policies, bonus plans and total compensation. However, these indirectly impact other areas such as recognition, performance reviews, growth and communication.

23 Ways Companies Can Improve Job Satisfaction

We spoke to executives from various industries to better understand how companies can improve employee satisfaction. Here are some of the successful strategies they have presented in areas such as company culture, employee development, total compensation, DEIB and employee recognition.

1.Offer competitive compensation

Job satisfaction starts with a good salary. In a difficult economic climate, money is a compelling motivator, as Gianluca Ferruggia, Managing Director of DesignRush, describes:

It is obvious that employees will not feel fulfilled in their role if they are not sufficiently compensated. In a survey by MyPerfectResume, 69% of respondents said they will leave their job this year if they don't find their salary worthwhile. But don’t forget about the benefits that are part of your overall compensation package. Try offering an enticing mix of benefits that show you care about your employees - from health insurance to paid time off to wellness and child care.

2.Focus on corporate social responsibility

More than ever, employees want to be proud of where they work and engaged with the world around them. A study by the National Environmental Education Foundation found that 90% of employees who are committed to their company's sustainability believe it increases their personal job satisfaction. Similarly, MyPerfectResume's HR and recruiting report found that 88% of U.S. workers expect corporate social responsibility initiatives to be more integrated into company strategies in 2024.

3.Get the onboarding right

A positive first impression is important for the relationship between employer and new employees. It's about more than just familiarizing your new employees with your processes. It's also about making them feel like they're part of the team and valued from day one.

However, onboarding is not always a smooth process, leaving some new employees dissatisfied with their introduction to the company and their role. A recent survey of new starters conducted by Paychex revealed the following about their onboarding experiences:

  • 32% found it confusing
  • 24% felt bored
  • 22% found them disorganized

When we look deeper into the data, new employees at large companies are 16% more likely to be satisfied with their onboarding than at smaller companies.

However, companies of all sizes and types can increase satisfaction during onboarding by:

  • Set clear expectations for the employee's role, tasks and goals
  • Providing all necessary training and resources to help employees do their jobs successfully
  • Introducing employees to their team members and important contacts within the company

4.Prioritize career opportunities

Employees are no longer interested in a job for life. They prefer to move from one role to the next or from one company to another and seek growth opportunities that excite and prepare them for the future of work. Employers who are unable or unwilling to provide professional development opportunities will fall behind. A McKinsey study found that “lack of career development” is the top reason employees leave their jobs.

5.Job security through higher qualifications

We live in uncertain times. A survey by MyPerfectResume found that 78% of people expect a recession and 85% fear they will lose their job in 2024. While no employer can promise job security, they can continually train their employees to prepare them for the future.

6.Individual progress

Even if you have a development goal for your team, it is equally important for the satisfaction of your employees that they can see how they are developing individually. This is where progress goals come into play, providing insight into how each individual's efforts impact the team and the company as a whole.

7.Establish mentoring programs

Mentoring is an excellent tool for employees to connect with experienced team members, learn from their experiences, and grow professionally. If you have someone in the company you can turn to for advice and support, you can better handle difficult situations and advance your career.

CEO Connor Butterworth reports on the positive results that occurred when Southwestern Rugs Depot implemented a mentorship program that pairs experienced employees with new employees.

Choose from a variety of mentoring programs that suit your company, such as: B:

  • Long distance mentoring
  • Group coaching
  • Onboarding mentoring
  • Peer mentoring
  • Project-related mentoring
  • Mentoring during parental leave

8.Encourage passion projects

While training is important, it's also important to nurture the passion and creativity of your employees. Giving team members time to explore career ideas outside of their current role can increase job satisfaction while reducing employee turnover.

Give your employees the opportunity to sow the seeds of your business by encouraging them to think outside the box and contribute their ideas and feedback. Your creativity could lead the company in a new direction.

10.Use a skill-will matrix

Sometimes employees are unhappy because they lack the resources or understanding to advance in their role and develop their careers. In this case, Will Yang, Head of Growth at Instrumentl, suggests using a skill-will matrix to assess employees' current skills and motivation levels. Using this information, managers can create tailored development plans for each individual.

The matrix consists of four quadrants, each representing a combination of high or low ability and high or low will. This is how it works:

  • High competence-high will (star): Highly qualified and highly motivated employees are competent, self-confident and can work independently. They often require less supervision and can be assigned to more demanding tasks or projects.
  • High Skills - Low Willingness (Expert): Employees who have the necessary skills but are not motivated may suffer from boredom, personal problems, or a lack of alignment with company goals. They may need encouragement, recognition, or a change in tasks to increase their motivation.
  • Low Skills - High Willingness (Learners): Motivated employees who lack the required skills are often eager to learn and contribute, but require training, guidance and support to develop their skills and become more effective in their roles become.
  • Low Skills - Low Will (Passenger): Employees who have neither the necessary skills nor the necessary motivation represent a major challenge for employers. This group requires a tailored approach that includes a reassessment of their role, intensive training, motivation or in some cases may include assessing their suitability for the company.

10.Be transparent

Transparency in communication and decision-making can have a significant impact on employee satisfaction. Employees who understand the company's goals, core values and direction feel invested in the company's success and see their role in it. When this isn't the case, "secrecy and dishonesty can lead to hostility in the workplace," says Thaddeus W. Wendt, partner and CEO at Feller Wendt, LLC, which inevitably leads to dissatisfaction and even a toxic culture.

Employers can become more transparent by:

  • Inform employees about the company's key performance indicators, goals and future plans
  • Encouraging open communication and feedback from all levels of the company
  • Admit mistakes or challenges and involve employees in finding solutions
  • Use the communication channels most suitable for the respective situation, e.g. E.g. town halls, company emails or 1:1 conversations to communicate important decisions.

11.Trust your employees

Even if employees take direction from their managers, top-down leadership won't necessarily bring out the best in your employees or lift their spirits. Trusting your employees is crucial to increasing their confidence and autonomy and creating a culture of self-motivation and ambition. This is especially important when working with external teams or freelancers. Jared Brown shares how Hubstaff uses trust to increase employee satisfaction.

12.Respect your employees as people

Good employers know that their employees have lives, families, hobbies, ambitions and interests that go beyond the company. What happens at home can inevitably affect work. That's why it's important that you respect your employees as people and not just as a means to achieve company goals. Mark Damsgaard, founder of Global Residence Index, explains how managers can build personal yet professional relationships with their employees.

13.Involve your employees in decision-making

It's one thing to let your employees express their ideas and opinions. However, giving them a more active role in implementing change will help them feel included in the company's direction and success.

14.Create a psychologically safe environment

Here's the thing: Not every employee feels comfortable opening up and sharing their opinions. They fear failure, humiliation, or backlash if they go against the grain. Draven McConville, CEO and founder of Klipboard, explains how employers need to create a work environment where all ideas are equally welcomed and discussed.

15.Get involved with DEIB

A diverse team brings a variety of perspectives and backgrounds to the table, leading to more innovative ideas and better decisions. Effective leaders recognize this and make it a point to foster an inclusive environment where all employees are valued and respected.

Of course, diversity isn't something that just happens. Companies must work hard to improve their DEIB initiatives, from talent acquisition to employee retention. Consider some of the following actions to prioritize diversity in your company culture:

  • Setting up employee resource groups
  • Organize training and education on the topic of diversity
  • Regularly review your hiring processes to ensure inclusivity.
  • Offer mentorship programs for underrepresented employees.

16.Minimize hierarchies

Elaborate hierarchies with a myriad of job titles can create a power imbalance and hinder effective organizational communication. A flatter structure where employees have more autonomy and are encouraged to collaborate can lead to higher job satisfaction and productivity.

17.Distribute the workload

It's difficult for employees to feel satisfied in their roles when they are burdened with a heavy workload while their team members seem to have much easier tasks. While each employee's contributions may vary, it's important that work is distributed evenly and team members feel valued for their efforts.

18.Implement workplace wellness programs

Adjusting team workloads is just one way to reduce employee burnout, officially classified as an "occupational phenomenon" by the World Health Organization in 2019. Overworked employees can become physically and mentally exhausted, affecting productivity and overall happiness. To combat this, companies can implement wellness programs that focus on employee health and well-being. These can include:

  • Flexible working hours
  • Health Resources
  • Fitness challenges or classes

Certified yoga and barre fitness instructor Joanne Highland explains the numerous benefits companies and employees receive from these wellness initiatives.

An effective wellness program should also focus on mental health. MetLife research found that employers significantly overestimate the well-being of their employees: 65% of employees report that they are mentally healthy, while 85% of employers report that their employees are mentally healthy.

19.Offer flexible remote work

Flexible work arrangements have been a hot topic since the pandemic. From an employee perspective, telecommuting in particular continues to be viewed as incredibly positive - Buffer's State of Remote Work report found that 98% of respondents would like to work remotely at least some of the time for the rest of their careers.

Daniel Wolken, talent acquisition specialist, explains why the flexibility of remote work has a critical impact on employee job satisfaction when recruiting a global workforce for DailyRemote.

A study by IZA World of Labor examined the impact of remote work on job satisfaction among male and female employees. The results showed that there was little change in satisfaction when men worked from home or in the office. However, working mothers who work at home 60 to 80% of the time rated satisfaction 1 point higher on a scale of 0 to 10 than mothers who do not work from home. Female employees without children also reported a quarter-point increase when not working from home.

20.Make returning to the office more attractive

As popular as telecommuting is among employees, some employers are requiring employees to return to the office. MyPerfectResume shows that 87% of respondents expect more companies to embrace a return to the office this year. So how can employers achieve job satisfaction among employees who don't want to be in the office?

21.Incentivize your employees

Sometimes we all need a little extra motivation to do our best and be more engaged at work. Michael Maximoff, managing partner at Belkins, explains how extrinsic motivators have helped employees feel connected to their roles

Of course, incentives don't always have to be monetary. At IceHrm, we have also found that our customers and internal employees respond well to team tasks. We recently spoke with Andrew Hollis, IceHrm's co-founder and VP of Sales, who shared with us some of the regular challenges our sales teams face:

  • Reach your monthly numbers
  • Build a sufficiently qualified pipeline
  • Read books relevant to recognition or engagement
  • Refer A-player friends from other sales organizations

    However, you can also increase job satisfaction by setting up well-being and personal development challenges, such as: E.g. book clubs or step challenges. Employees are motivated to participate and receive a small reward when they achieve their goals.

22.Offer frequent recognition

Recognizing your employees isn't just about grand gestures when they achieve a big victory. It's also about the smaller, daily achievements that often go unnoticed. Klipboard's Draven McConville believes that it's not enough to pat someone on the back occasionally, you need to make it a habit.

23.Measure your data

The final tip for improving employee satisfaction is simple but requires consistency: measure your data. Hubstaff's Jared Brown explains.

Make sure you regularly collect feedback from your employees, whether through surveys, performance reviews or performance reviews. This gives you great insight into their level of satisfaction and shows that their opinions and work experiences are valued.

Increase job satisfaction with IceHrm

Happy employees can have a big impact on your company's culture, turnover rate, and customer loyalty. However, it can be difficult to create an environment that fosters real and lasting joy, and that's where IceHrm comes in. We help companies build more engaged, efficient and productive teams with the following features of the platform:

  • Recognitions: Everyone in the organization exchanges “shoutouts” on the company’s IceHrm feed. Employees feel valued and recognized by those around them as they receive personalized praise and redeemable points.
  • Rewards: Employees can redeem their IceHrm Points for a variety of rewards, including gift cards, Amazon products, corporate gifts, charitable donations, and individual rewards.
  • Challenges: Employers create points-based challenges to increase engagement and satisfaction.
  • Milestones: Employees automatically receive a message and IceHrm points on their birthdays and work anniversaries.
  • Individual awards: Employers create awards for “team player,” “employee of the month,” “newbie of the year,” or similar that employees strive for.

Increase job satisfaction with IceHrm's features like recognitions, rewards, challenges, and milestones. Build a happier, more engaged team today.