Different types of leaves in a company?

You can’t avoid it life gets in the way from time to time. Whether you’ve just had a baby, someone close to you has died, you’ve been called to serve on a jury or for a variety of reasons, chances are you or an employee will need time off at some point.

What are the life events that qualify for leave? How can you, as a manager, deal with an employee who takes leave? Below is a list of all the key points

What types of leave do employees take?

When determining the types of leave an employee can take at work, there are several categories:


This type of leave occurs when someone close to an employee dies, often a close family member. Many companies have guidelines on the types of family members who can be granted bereavement leave.

Sabbatical leaves with or without pay. Sabbatical leave is a type of leave that allows an employee to take a longer period of time. Some companies offer sabbatical leaves where the employee receives full pay, others offer half-pay, and still, others offer unpaid sabbatical leaves. This type of leave is not required by law and is at the discretion of the company (often as a benefit).

Maternity/paternity leave

There is no federal law requiring maternity or paternity leave, but several states, such as New York, New Jersey, and Rhode Island, have passed laws requiring paid family leave that includes maternity and paternity leave for having or adopting a child.

Sick leave. Due to medical complications, such as accident or illness, employees may take sick leave.

Pregnancy leave, maternity, and paternity leave, and leave to vote or to testify in court are types of employee leave that are generally regulated at state or local level, not federal. So check the laws that apply to your place of business to understand what types of leave are or are not required.

How can the employer manage an employee’s leave?

Managing an employee’s leave is largely a question of coordination. There are five steps to managing an employee’s leave
  • Determine the applicable laws
  • Review your company’s policies, procedures, and practices
  • Approve or reject the leave request and document the process
  • Take action as the situation evolves
  • Carry out an ongoing evaluation
When you hire your first full-time employees, it is important to be aware of your legal obligations to your employees. When it comes to leave, there are five types of leave you need to know about:

1. Vacation leave

All employees, with the exception of casual workers, are entitled to four weeks of vacation per year. Some shift workers are entitled to five weeks of leave. In some companies, employees sacrifice some of their wages for longer vacations or request unpaid leave. Vacation leave does not have to be taken within a 12-month period because it simply accumulates.

Part-time employees receive a proportionate share of this annual provision, based on the length of time they work.

Paid annual leave can be taken at a time agreed upon between you and your employee. However, the employer cannot unreasonably refuse an employee’s request for paid vacation leave.

It is also important to note what the relevant award or agreement says about vacation leave, as it may contain special conditions that must be respected.

2. Parental leave

All employees are entitled to unpaid parental leave after working for an employer for 12 months.

In addition to unpaid leave, employees may also be entitled to paid parental leave. However, this is generally paid by the government, unless an individual’s employer has a parental leave plan that provides better benefits or the parent is not entitled to the government plan. The government plan is changing, so you should check the latest plan to see if it applies to you.

(a) Female employees are entitled to ninety (90) calendar days of maternity leave with full pay. In this context, no female employee shall lose her annual leave entitlement as a result of taking maternity leave.

(b) Maternity leave may be taken approximately one month before the expected date of childbirth and the request for maternity leave shall be submitted to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration) through the Head of Department at least one month before the beginning of the leave.

(b) Male employees shall be entitled to ten working days of paternity leave with full pay during the period of maternity leave of their legal spouse.

3. Leave for personal or family reasons and special leave

Non-casual full-time employees are entitled to 10 days paid leave on personal grounds or to one child’s care per year.

An employee may take paid personal or childcare leave:
  • If he or she is unfit for work due to personal illness or injury (including pregnancy-related illness); or
  • They have to provide care or assistance to a member of their immediate family or household as a result of personal illness or injury or an unforeseen emergency affecting that person. A member of the employee’s immediate family is defined as the employee’s spouse, life partner, child, grandchild, parent, grandparent or sibling.
  • Employees are also entitled to two days’ paid care leave if a member of the employee’s immediate family or household suffers a serious injury or illness or dies.
  • Workers are also entitled to two days’ paid care leave to spend time with a member of their immediate family or household who has suffered a life-threatening illness or injury. Compassionate care leave is also granted after the death of a member of the employee’s family or household.

4. Leave of absence for community service

Employees who have qualified for community service, including jury duty or activities related to an emergency or natural disaster, are eligible for community service leave.

5. Long leave of absence

Long-term leave is generally subject to the laws of the States and Territories. In most cases it can be taken after 10 years of uninterrupted employment, cannot be paid out (except on termination of employment) and is usually paid at the employee’s regular salary.

6. Study Leave

(i) Study leave shall be granted by the university only on the basis of the needs of the university and the interests of staff development

(ii) The duration of the leave may be determined by the university and is subject to the terms and conditions set by the university.

(iii) The University may accept or reject a request for leave with reasons.

7. Sick Leave

(a) A staff member who is unable to perform his or her duties because of illness shall be required to submit a medical certificate signed by a qualified medical practitioner or to use any other means of communication within two consecutive working days following his or her absence.

(b) A staff member may be granted sick leave during a calendar year at the following rates

Always remember that you must comply with the law at all times while determining which policies and procedures work best for your company. Assess the needs of your employees against the size of your budget and develop a policy that works for your team.

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