7 Strategies for Combatting Stereotypes in the Workplace

Stereotypes in the workplace are often unavoidable when people with different backgrounds and mindsets come together to achieve organizational goals. As a result, employees may find themselves working in silos or confined to cliques of like-minded team members. That's why it's important to know how to overcome stereotypes in the workplace.

The origins of stereotypes can be traced back to the humble beginnings of socialization, when early humans sought refuge in the wilderness by quickly finding like-minded allies. However, these inherent behaviors have become obsolete and counterproductive as people with different experiences work together to succeed in the modern workplace.

What are organizational stereotypes?

Stereotypes in organizational behavior are when people make generalizations about a person that are often not true just because of who they are. This can be the case, for example, if a good job applicant is rejected solely because of their gender. It may also be that someone is not promoted because of their age.

Organizational stereotypes can be:

  • Age discrimination
  • Hostility to the disabled
  • Cultural differences
  • Gender inequalities
  • Religion
  • Political opinions
  • Sexual orientation

If stereotypes in the workplace are not eliminated quickly, they can worsen and cause problems such as prejudice, distrust and conflict among team members. So this negative work culture created by stereotypes could harm your company's professional image. They can also make many employees unhappy and lead to many leaving the company.

Organizational stereotypes can also exist at the management level and affect important decision-making processes.

These leadership issues can impact the way people work together, hire new talent, and maintain employee engagement. Therefore, it is crucial to actively identify and eliminate harmful stereotypes throughout the organization to improve communication and teamwork.

Below, we present 7 effective ways to overcome stereotypes in the workplace to create an enabling landscape of opportunity. These tips will help team members focus on their professional development, regardless of their background.

Tip #1 - Promote workshops and programs to overcome stereotypes in the workplace

Overcoming stereotypes requires strong empathy from team members. To create a more understanding team, organize regular workshops and training on diversity and inclusion. These events may include activities such as role-playing games. You can also use real-life examples to show how well the team gets along and understands each other.

So, get trainers who are certified to conduct awareness programs. You can help your employees recognize and manage the small biases in their minds so they don't stereotype others. Additionally, invite employees at all levels and departments to these workshops, e.g. Lower, middle and upper level employees. In this way, empathy can be spread throughout the organization.

Companies can also encourage online learning that team members can use at their own pace. These digital lessons provide practical review materials that employees can review and share with others in the company to reinforce what they have learned in the workshops.

Tip #2 - Establish clear policies against discrimination in the workplace to overcome stereotypes in the workplace

Good workplace policies must clearly explain how team members should behave and what happens if they don't follow the rules. For example, the guidelines could specify how many warnings someone receives, how long they can be suspended, or how likely they are to be fired if they misbehave at work.

Include these rules in your employee handbook so employees can easily find them. When new employees start, supervisors and managers can discuss these rules as part of their onboarding. It is also important that you give your employees clear instructions about the official procedures for reporting discrimination that they believe may be occurring in the workplace.

Providing your employees with the appropriate reporting procedures from the start of their employment will give them a sense of trust, protection and confidence in the company. These measures also prevent employees from becoming silent victims of harassment due to fear of retaliation or getting lost in the reporting process.

Tip #3 – Creating Inclusive Communication to Overcome Stereotypes in the Workplace

Open and inclusive communication in the workplace is crucial to overcoming negative stereotypes in your company. An optimized and conscious communication strategy prevents misunderstandings and misinterpretations among team members and thus minimizes negative behaviors such as stereotyping.

It's important that everyone feels safe sharing their thoughts in the workplace. Therefore, your company should encourage employees to listen carefully in group meetings and other team situations.

Active listening means really focusing on what someone is saying and understanding their perspective. This type of communication helps team members respect each other more and individual responsibilities become clearer. Inclusive communication can prevent negative stereotypes from forming and also encourages feedback, which is a powerful tool for organizational improvement.

Active listening best practices include:

  • Maintaining eye contact with the speaker and engaging in the conversation without distraction.
  • Ask questions about vague or complex topics.
  • Avoid interrupting the speaker and let him finish.
  • Respond with verbal and nonverbal cues that indicate your attention (e.g., nodding and “aha” to indicate that you are following the flow of the conversation).

Tip #4 – Raise awareness of diversity in leadership to overcome stereotypes in the workplace

A diverse leadership team makes the work culture more inclusive and positive and prevents negative stereotypes. First, make sure everyone has a fair chance to grow as a leader based on their skills and experience.

Industry leaders identify three key areas necessary to create an inclusive leadership development landscape:

  1. Leadership - Preparing a diverse group of leaders for the future. So start by encouraging current decision makers to lead the way through their actions, values and attitudes. Simply put, they should lead by example by taking DEI courses and using fair guidelines when assessing leadership skills.
  2. Environment - Promoting a work culture where employees can share their thoughts and contribute can improve inclusive leadership. So employees should feel supported and have the freedom to raise problems at work. They should also be able to work well with managers who have different leadership styles.
  3. Ownership - Companies can organize events to learn about different cultures, embrace different viewpoints, and advocate for diversity in different communities. By providing good communication channels and being open to hearing from DEIB champions, talent development teams can understand leadership diversity concerns from a broader perspective.

Tip #5 – Fair Performance Appraisals to Overcome Stereotypes in the Workplace

To eliminate stereotypes, it's important to be open about how you evaluate talent's performance. Therefore, your team should establish clear benchmarks related to how well an employee does their job and contributes, focusing on their skills and effectiveness at work. This way you can avoid assumptions and biased practices.
Your company should thoroughly review performance reviews for potential biases that could lead to negative stereotypes in employees' experiences. Common performance appraisal biases can include:

Halo/Horn Effect - A bias in which a particular characteristic can overshadow the entire assessment and evaluation process. For example, a manager might ignore a person's poor performance because they are funny. On the other hand, a manager may criticize or ignore an employee simply because he or she doesn't like a characteristic.

Leniency Bias - 45% of HR managers admit they use leniency bias when evaluating employees. This means that they tend to overestimate the performance of their employees. Managers may do this to avoid problems at work, but it leads to inaccurate reviews and prevents employees from getting the feedback they need to improve their careers.

Central tendency bias - This bias causes managers to give all employees roughly the same score in order to avoid extremes (e.g. calling someone the best or the worst). This often happens with normal assessment methods, e.g.when using a Likert scale, where it is easy for raters to choose ratings in the middle.

How to use feedback to improve

To make performance evaluations fairer and more accurate, your company can use 360-degree feedback. This means you receive feedback from many different people, such as reviewers and stakeholders. It is therefore important to look at an employee's performance in different phases of their work for the company.

Allowing your employees to rate themselves gives your team a good overview of their work experiences and engagement. You can keep these assessments short by conducting surveys about their work relationships, stress levels, and career goals. This also allows you to find out what employees think about being part of your company.

Combining regular employee self-assessments with standard performance reviews (e.g. annual reviews) can help overcome negative stereotypes and personalize talent strategies for excellence in the workplace.

Tip #6 – Celebrate workplace diversity to overcome workplace stereotypes

If you want to figure out how to break down stereotypes in the company, you need to get to grips with how team members feel every day. So make workplace diversity normal by regularly celebrating each individual’s unique identity. This helps break down communication barriers and promotes understanding among the workforce.

For example, you could plan events and celebrations for everyone in the company, such as kitchen parties or get-togethers outside the office. Your team can also talk about the importance of these events on social media and within the company. This way, you can capture your employees' interest and create opportunities to talk about work relationships in a positive way.

This commitment benefits your company because it gives every employee a feeling of belonging and appreciation. Research shows that companies with an above-average proportion of employees committed to diversity generate 19% more revenue than their less inclusive competitors.

Tip #7 – Implement diverse hiring practices to overcome stereotypes in the workplace

Focusing on diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) in hiring can prevent negative stereotypes early in an employee's career. Therefore, it is important to use hiring strategies that view skills without bias.

For example, hiring managers can conduct blind resume screening, removing an applicant's personal information that could prevent companies from making a fair hiring decision.

It's a good idea for hiring and recruiting leaders to regularly check for bias from interviewers that could affect a person's chances of getting a job. A career study found that 42% of applicants declined a job offer because they had a bad interview experience.

An interview is a delicate process because it is often the first real contact between an employer and a potential applicant. An unbiased interview therefore conveys a positive and inclusive work culture that creates trust among future employees.

How to improve your job descriptions

Make sure your job descriptions and job postings attract the best applicants. Biased statements in job descriptions can turn people from underrepresented groups away and lead them to choose more inclusive companies. IceHrm's Text Analyzer can help you improve your job descriptions by showing and suggesting alternatives to biased or boring content.

The tool uses a reliable algorithm to quickly identify potentially offensive terms such as gendered words or racial slurs. So, Text Analyzer helps you update your JD and hiring practices according to the latest DEIB standards and avoid stereotypes in the workplace.

Text Analyzer's AI-powered accuracy can help HR managers spot the smallest signs of bias that might elude human perception. Research from Stamford University, for example, suggests that gender bias may exist not only in the use of certain words, but also in the placement and context of those words.

Applying these hiring measures will allow your company to create a welcoming work environment. This way, every qualified team member has an equal opportunity to succeed without fear of discrimination.

Breaking down stereotypes in the workplace is vital for fostering a culture of inclusion and equity. Utilize IceHrm's Text Analyzer for unbiased hiring practices. Let's create a workplace where everyone feels valued and empowered.