15 Simple Ways to Praise Your Team for Excellent Work

Keeping your team happy and motivated should be a top priority, especially if you want to retain them. Studies show that 82% of employees are happier when recognized at work, and 63% of regularly recognized team members are less likely to seek other jobs. Effective document management can also boost morale by streamlining processes, reducing stress, and making it easier for employees to find the information they need.

Aside from employee retention, praising your team also boosts productivity and morale. While a simple "thank you" is always appreciated, there are plenty of other easy ways to give extra encouragement and recognition. Keeping accurate and accessible employee information helps personalize your praise, ensuring each team member feels valued and understood.

1.Know what motivates them

Every team member has a different idea of ​​what recognition can look like, so it's important to learn and understand what motivates each employee.

An easy way to "read" the room is to create a team survey. Check out our article for a simple 4-step process and template.

Once you know what each team member appreciates most, create some "recognition" buckets that you can put each person's name in and look back on when it's time to say "great job."

2.Remember the anniversary

Recognizing work anniversaries is an easy way to show that you appreciate your employees' efforts year after year. Create a calendar to track when each employee started so you can recognize those milestones.

Also, announce it on your team communication platform so everyone can celebrate together. You can also offer small gifts, like an extra discount on your products, a free lunch, or even something inexpensive but fun, like lottery tickets.

3.Shout out

If your award-winning employee enjoys being in the spotlight, public praise goes down well. Recognizing achievements during a company-wide meeting or on your social media pages is likely to have a positive impact on all employees' morale.

It also sends the message to the rest of your employees that you notice and appreciate special efforts. In this case, though, it pays to know your employees' personalities - some would love nothing more than to be praised from the rooftops, while others prefer something more understated.

In the IceHrm app, Shout Outs make it easy for everyone - managers and employees alike - to praise each other when they go above and beyond.

4.Let them take control of the playlist

Reward someone for their positive attitude by giving them the opportunity to keep the good vibes going. Stop worrying about workplace music for a day and let a high-performing employee take control.

Tip: Before giving out this award, ask all employees to submit their ideal playlist. This way, you'll have the list ready at the right time and can make sure none of the songs are inappropriate for your work environment. Plus, it'll help you get to know your team a little better!

5.Start a peer-to-peer nomination program

An "Employee of the Month" program is nothing new, but sometimes this type of recognition can mean more when it comes from peers. Ask your employees to keep an eye out for outstanding colleagues and ask everyone to submit their nominations at the end of each month.

This type of recognition encourages interaction between employees and goes a long way toward creating a more positive company culture, which is always an added benefit.

6.Give a surprise

Sure, everyone has gotten used to the "Employee of the Month" award, but an unexpected compliment can sometimes go a long way. Who doesn't love an unexpected gift just for being a good employee?

A surprise compliment can also be given to your entire team. Maybe sales were exceptionally high this month, or employees hit a new goal faster than expected. Such achievements deserve a small celebration, such as free treats from the local pastry shop or a happy hour for the team.

7.Assign special tasks

Sometimes the best reward for good employees is a new, exciting project. While it may seem odd to reward good employees with more work, chances are they appreciate your confidence in their abilities.

For example, giving your best chefs the chance to redesign your lunch menu shows that you value their knowledge and skills. It's also a great way to delegate tasks and keep your own workload manageable - your whole team will benefit.

8.Offer flexible scheduling

Another easy way to show your appreciation is to offer employees a preferred scheduling. According to a recent IceHrm survey, many team members appreciate flexible work hours. Give them the opportunity to swap shifts and update their availability with minimal notice.

Other employees may prefer stability over flexibility - especially if they have a family. For them, posting their work hours weeks in advance brings a little more predictability to their lives and their paycheck.

9.Help them recover

According to a recent study, mental health is a high priority for 50% of workers. Give deserving team members the opportunity to recover by creating a "wellness menu" they can choose from, such as:

  • Massages
  • Pass to yoga or dance classes
  • Reflexology
  • Cooking class

You can also set a budget and give employees the opportunity to choose a wellness activity of their choice.

10.Be specific

Instead of saying, "Thank you for everything you do," explain what you're thanking them for. This will help your team internalize what kind of behavior leads to recognition. It's the easiest way to reward good behavior and ensure your employees know exactly where to direct their efforts.

11.Schedule professional development conversations

Scheduled one-on-one professional development conversations can be a meaningful way to show employees that you care about their long-term success. Use these conversations to discuss the individual's goals, skills they want to learn, or future roles they aspire to. Knowing that you're interested in their advancement can lead to higher job satisfaction and engagement.

12.Rotate meeting leadership

Having different team members take turns leading meetings can help them feel valued. It gives them a chance to take on a leadership role - albeit a small one - and shows confidence in their abilities. Be sure to announce who will lead the next meeting at the end of each meeting to give them time to prepare.

13.Financial incentives

Bonuses, commissions, or performance-based pay can be a direct way to reward hard work. While financial incentives are common, they never lose their appeal. Establish a transparent and fair financial incentive structure, communicate it clearly, and ensure consistent implementation.

14.Implement a knowledge sharing platform

Set up a platform where employees can share tips, insights, and even educational materials with each other. Recognize valuable contributions on this platform as they help expand the skills and knowledge of the entire team. This method rewards initiative and fosters a collaborative environment.

15.Casual dress day or theme days

Something as simple as allowing people to dress casually on certain days or establishing theme days can lift team spirits. It brings a little fun to the work environment without sacrificing productivity. Announce these days in advance and, if you want, let team members vote on the next topic.

Praising your team is essential for maintaining high morale and productivity. IceHrm offers tools to easily recognize and reward your employees, ensuring a motivated and committed workforce.