Why do you need a web-based employee management system

Human resources technology helps companies perform critical tasks in the areas of planning, performance monitoring, recruitment, and payroll. If your business needs it, you have two important options: You can install traditional IT applications on-site or access web-based HRM software as a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) through your browser.

In recent years, many companies have migrated to web-based hr management systems. Well-known companies such as Equifax, Twitter, and Hewlett-Packard use these HR software solutions, but many smaller companies are also enthusiastic about them.

Despite their popularity, it is crucial to consider both the pros and cons of web-based HR software.

Advantages of a web-based HR software

Immediate availability

Once your company has registered and paid for a web-based solution, your HR professionals can start using it immediately. There is no need to wait long to download large files or perform installations. If your computer already has a compatible web browser, there is no need to install new applications to get your web-based HRIS management software up and running.

Another benefit of having web-based HR software available immediately is that you avoid a large-scale implementation project. As mentioned above, launching many of these platforms is as easy as running the program in a browser. Conversely, an on-site system usually requires a significant IT team to install the software, often in conjunction with preparing the infrastructure in advance.

Easy accessibility

You can use web technology on a laptop anywhere with a suitable Internet connection. Some providers also offer access via smartphone or tablet. The system stores all your HR information on a central server so that your data is always available. So you don’t need to copy files or applications from one computer to another.

Most of today’s online HRIS systems offer employee self-service, meaning that your employees can log in to view their information. This keeps your employees busy, as they can easily track their time and attendance, leave, payments, etc. And employee self-service has the added benefit of streamlining your HR processes. Instead of sending an email to request a vacation, they can request it with just a few clicks in your web-based HR management software. Once the request is received, your HR managers simply click the button to accept or reject it. If it is accepted, it is automatically registered in the employee database, saving them valuable time and providing them with an up-to-date record of their vacation.

Regular backups

Most cloud software developers regularly back up all employee and HR data stored on their systems. It is unlikely that you will suffer significant data loss if a vendor’s server goes down. Nor are you at risk of losing information if a desktop computer’s hard drive fails. An employee can immediately switch to another computer and continue working. This is especially useful for small businesses that don’t have the time or resources to perform frequent backups, putting their data at risk.

Data stored in a web-based HR management system (and indeed in any HRMS) can be among the most sensitive and regularly changing data in your organization. Personal information about employees must be stored securely and properly. And because addresses, phone numbers, and other contact information can change so often, it’s important that this data is backed up regularly. Regular backups help keep your employees’ data safe, inform them of any changes, and finally, make it easier to transfer this data between systems.

Companies have sensitive information about their employees. Payroll information, bank accounts, social security numbers, driver’s license numbers, phone numbers, mailing addresses, spouse and dependents’ contact information are examples of employee information that should not fall into the hands of unauthorized persons.

If this information is stored in spreadsheets or paper tiles, hackers and blackmailers could easily access or modify it. A human resources system centralizes access control, where users can be assigned privileges according to their responsibilities. They can also apply other security mechanisms, such as two-factor authentication and encryption, that make it difficult for an intruder to access employee information.

Automatic updates

Web-based programs automatically remain up to date. You do not need to manually download or install updates. This improves reliability and saves time and effort. By updating web-based HR systems, your IT department no longer needs to update the software every time it’s needed, leaving you to focus on other tasks. In addition, because most of these platforms perform updates in the background or when the system is not in use, you can avoid the inconvenience of having to shut down the software during the workday.

Automatic updates also help your company comply with new labor regulations. By connecting to the Internet, the system is constantly informed of changes in laws, tax rates, and other personnel-related laws and is able to comply with them in no time at all. In this way, the system automates both the task of being informed about regulations and the task of complying with them. This reduces the possibility of human error in complying with regulations, saving money, effort, and potential legal action.

New features

If you want to benefit from the latest human resources management functionalities every year, you must use a web-based human resources management software. But for on-site systems, the frequency of receiving updates depends on your contact person. You may not receive free updates at all and you can pay for each software update. However, for web-based systems, your monthly subscription includes access to all the latest updates as they become available. If you need this new functionality for benefits management, benefits administration or payroll, the easiest way is to use web-based HR software.

Web-based systems also reduce labor costs because your employees don’t waste time installing or maintaining additional updates. Regular updates also reduce the risk of your HR system becoming obsolete. A constantly updated HR system contains all the functionality you need and offers a complete platform. By using web-based HR software that regularly adds new functionality, your company can avoid having to implement additional systems, such as a separate time and attendance tool or HR management software.

Worldwide compatible

Web-based workforce management software generally offers a better solution for companies with sites in multiple countries. Most programs allow users to choose one of several languages, as well as the ability to translate documents into another language when communicating with international employees. A variety of currency options are available to issue allowances to international employees. These systems also centralize your employee data so that it is easily accessible from your offices around the world.

Automatic updating of HR software also ensures that your system is globally compatible, as it takes into account both global regulations and local measures. This is important in order to comply with international labor law and to cope with the sometimes difficult task of calculating taxes when monitoring offices in different countries.

Better human resources management

Relying on manual processes to manage employees can quickly become an administrative nightmare. Tracking information manually not only increases the likelihood of human error but also exposes you to a certain risk of non-compliance. And if you’re using unfriendly software that requires switching from one product to another and accessing multiple documents, can you be sure you’re using the most up-to-date data? With a fully unified employee management and tracking platform that works for you, not against you, you’ll never have to import multiple files and re-enter data across different platforms again.

Employee engagement

Employee management software also provides solutions to increase employee engagement and ultimately impact employee retention. Instruments such as performance management offer a modern way of tracking and evaluating employee development. You can work with employees to set goals, give them a sense of purpose and find a path to success. Given that 70% of the country’s employees are not engaged, providing a tool to maintain a demanding organization is a necessity, not a “blessing”.

Ensure compliance

Employers have certain legal and regulatory obligations with regard to personnel and information of personnel. Depending on the sector in which you work, it may be necessary, for example, to create a specific file within a short period of time during an official inspection. If you fail to do so, you could be fined several thousand dollars.

Nevertheless, compliance can be a minefield as organizations are constantly trying to keep up to date with new rules that apply to their industry. Employee management solutions and systems make it easier for organizations to capture, document, analyze and communicate employee information as needed. With current data, there is concern that information provided to regulators or auditors may be out of date.

Analysis and measurement of HR data

Human resources departments rely on data to better understand and address business issues such as revenue, overtime, and headcount. And the right data can open the door to important information so you and your team can make more informed decisions. For example, you might discover that a department has a particularly high turnover rate. What’s causing it? Is there a management problem? Is employee engagement too low? Through data analysis, you can access these questions, develop solutions, and measure results to not only influence your bottom line but also raise awareness of your C-Suite. Executive-level meetings are a spectacle, don’t tell the environment. To show the true value of a human resources department, you need to be able to attend these meetings armed with data and action points.

Want to automate your human management process? Try IceHrm which is one of the best HRIS systems which has so many HR functions automated into one system.

IceHrm is a Human resource management system for small and medium-sized organizations. This HRM software centralizes employee data and allows only one authorized person to access it, providing a high level of security. The presence module monitors employee time based on information about insertion and perforation. It covers all the basic HRM needs of a company such as Time Management, Training, and Development, Attendance Management, Expense management, leave management, Recruitment management and handling employee information.