Key Considerations for Selecting a Vacation Management System

There's a lot to consider when choosing the right vacation management system for your business - from features to cost. And of course, it should be viewed as an investment that reduces your time spent on administration, automates your previously manual processes, and provides great usability.

In this blog, we will introduce you to 7 important points to pay attention to when choosing a vacation management system and recommend 7 of the best vacation management platforms on the market.

What is a vacation management system?

A leave management system, also known as leave management software, is a platform for managing all types of employee leave, including vacation entitlements, parental leave, compassionate leave, sick leave, and more. A single vacation management system that can be used by all HR professionals, managers, and employees in your company will go a long way toward streamlining your organization and employee vacation management.

What to consider when choosing a vacation management system

There are many vacation management solutions on the market, so it can be difficult to know where to start.

We've compiled a list of the top 7 things to consider when choosing the right vacation management platform to meet your company's needs:


The level of customization available to you within a leave management platform is great for personalizing the use of the software for you and your employees.

For example, if your company offers custom leave types like volunteer days, you need to manage minimum staffing levels, or you want to set rules for automatically approving or rejecting leave requests that meet certain criteria, a system that allows you to set up all of these things will be of great benefit to your business Be an absence management process.


An absence management system must give you a complete overview of who is absent, when, and for how long. The overview of vacation days taken (or unused) within your company should be easy to break down - be it for a specific location, office, team or individual. Look for a system that allows you to do this so you can plan your resources as effectively as possible.

Group calendars are also a great feature, allowing all employees to view not only their personal calendar, but also that of their team or the entire organization - making it much easier to book and request vacation that doesn't conflict with that of other employees .

User friendliness

It almost goes without saying that a vacation management system must, above all, be easy to use. If it's clunky, not very intuitive, or unreliable in its performance, you may spend more time using it, defeating one of the purposes of purchasing it.

Make sure you understand how a platform works and take advantage of a free demo before choosing a platform so you know exactly how the system looks and works. At IceHrm, we are happy to show you and your stakeholders how our leave management software works and how to use it, making rollout across the organization simple and straightforward.

Range of functions

Requesting and approving vacation and time off can become a hassle-free process when you say goodbye to spreadsheets and manual processes. However, to fully automate your vacation management, you need software that has numerous features.

A leave management system should therefore have a variety of features to improve the overall absence and leave experience for HR, managers and employees.

Whether it's email alerts, triggers, personal and group calendars, the ability to control who has access to what, document storage, Bradford factor calculators or an easy-to-use mobile app - take a close look at the features and capabilities of a software . This will help you see how to get the most out of the product and ensure it meets your needs.


How well can a vacation management system handle the complexity in your company? For example, if you have part-time and full-time employees, a single system should be able to calculate and track vacation entitlements for both. Or if your business is spread across multiple locations or even countries, does the software enable you to comply with different policies and laws in different regions?

For larger companies with multiple offices, locations or teams, the right leave management system should provide the ability to consolidate all absence and vacation processes and policies into a single system, giving you a complete view of the impact of absence and vacation on your business.

Mobile app

A fantastic advantage that some leave management systems have over others is a mobile app that allows managers to approve leave requests and log sick leave on the go, and allows employees to request leave from anywhere, at any time.

This turns an already quick task into an even quicker one - and you no longer have to log in via your desktop browser. The application is also suitable for employees who work away from the office or spend a large part of the day away from their workplace.


A holiday booking system is a huge time and administration saver, but what can it tell you about your business? How do you know if an employee has used all of their vacation pay or if they haven't taken a day off in six months? Is a particular department in your company struggling with its workload and not taking vacation? How high is the sick leave rate in your company?

A leave management system with reporting capabilities is a must to answer these questions and show how absence and leave impact your business. It can be an important tool for resource planning and management and gives HR and managers the opportunity to proactively look after the well-being of their employees.

Selecting the right vacation management system is crucial for efficient leave processes. IceHrm stands out with its user-friendly interface, robust features, and comprehensive reporting capabilities.