Ways to improve productivity in the workplace using HRIS

A key task of any HR team is to increase employee productivity as more productive employees lead to healthier financial results.

With a productive workforce, you reduce time wasted, improve communication, stimulate engagement and increase happiness in your organization, resulting in lower costs and benefits.

And there’s a variety of tools that, when used properly, can increase employee productivity.

Here are five ways technology can help you get the most out of your people:

1. Improve your reward program

Recruiting and rewarding employees has long been one of the pillars of best business practice. And rightly so, because it has a positive impact on productivity a 2016 Globoforce study found that 78% of employees would work more if they were better recognized.

But technology now allows you to go further. There are a number of new software packages on the market that use social technologies to simplify and democratize this process by allowing employees to praise their colleagues themselves.

They use existing internal communication channels such as Slack or, in some cases, an integrated social flow that allows employees to interact with each other by loving positions, commenting on and socially recognizing their colleagues for their good work, thus helping to improve internal communication and the recognition of their colleagues.

In addition, these systems provide managers with a permanent window on employee performance, which can help avoid the recurrence bias common in annual reviews.

2. Assign people to positions

Having good employees in the wrong positions can seriously affect your productivity, but AI-based technology makes it easier than ever to assess the personality and professional skills of new employees and ensures that they are placed in positions that complement their skills and increase their productivity.

You can also go further by measuring and tracking the productivity of employees in a particular team or department after a new member arrives. You can observe over time how productivity is affected by the addition of employees with certain personality traits, which provides you with valuable information on future hiring and role designation.

3. Communication across multiple platforms

HR software offers you a variety of ways to talk to employees. This is good news because people of different generations and personality traits (e.g.introverted/extroverted) like to communicate in different ways. While some aspire to direct human contact, others shudder at the idea and want nothing more than a digital message.

But since technology offers so many possibilities, you can offer a range of methods and avoid the rigid communication rules that many companies still dominate such as face-to-face meetings on performance issues or always calling headquarters to report a disease. This reduces the fear of communication, increases engagement and increases employee productivity.

And new communication technologies can also solve the problem of detachment and loneliness of remote employees. This is what emerges from a recent job satisfaction survey about Recruitment, which found that employees who have never met their team were the least happy and least interested which is bad news for productivity. But you can now solve this problem by regularly bringing people together for a video conference, no matter where they are.

4. Opt for self-service

Thanks to the cloud-based HR, employee self-service is more affordable than ever. And it offers a number of benefits that can all increase employee productivity.

This is because it eliminates many of the complaints and grievances that people complain about such as the confusion that so often surrounds annual leave without anyone being sure when to have free time and when not. Self-service HR systems allow employees to view a digital calendar to find out when leave is available and then apply for approval.

Self-Service HR simplifies many other functions, such as submitting expenses, updating personal information, and accessing training programs.

5. Play with it

One of the major technical innovations in human resources is gamification, in which the principles and rules of the game are applied to certain processes. This follows the theory that people become more absorbed and engaged in a game and experience a greater sense of accomplishment in the performance of a task.

PwC Hungary, for example, has recently included a digital game in the recruitment process. Potential candidates were divided into teams and asked to solve the kinds of problems they would face while working. Managers indicated that candidates who played the game scored higher in observation interviews and could adapt more easily to their role since they were already familiar with the company’s culture through the game.

6. Define clear expectations and associated impacts

In order to maximize the pace of work, the company needs to know what it is working on. It is important to set clear and precise goals for your team to keep everyone focused and prioritized. The methodology by which these goals are defined is equally important; the involvement of your employees in the creation of these goals transforms the unconscious mentality into a mentality of growth and ambitious success.

At the same time, it is important to define the impact of failure to meet expectations. However, the boundary between reluctant leadership and dominant prosecution must be carefully drawn to maximize productivity while maintaining team motivation.

7. Consider an HR software system

A Human Resources Information System (HRIS) enables employers to organize and carry out administrative tasks in an incredibly efficient and rational way. These time-consuming tasks, including, but not limited to, payroll, tax payment, and planning, are difficult to manage. However, the availability of HRIS can eliminate the need for additional staff, as an HRIS (also known as HRIS — Human Resources Management System) complements HR and allows you as an employer to focus on more important issues related to the success of your business. Many different HRIS are available and Compare HRIS allows you to use the free software selection tool to find the system that best suits your needs.

Looking for an automated Human Resources Information System, we suggest you IceHrm which is one of the best HRIS systems which has so many HR functions automated into one system. Get more details here.

8. Promote healthier employees

Healthy employees are satisfied with employees. As attention is less focused on injuries or illnesses, employees can focus on productivity. Healthy employees can be promoted in a variety of ways. For example, health and wellness programs inform employees about responsible behaviors to reduce the risk of physical injury or psychological stress and provide them with the opportunity to lead an active life that would be difficult to achieve in a tense work environment. The employer’s strict compliance with responsible safety rules also ensures the safety of all employees in the company. An employee who is confident that the right safety rules are in place (and adequately insured in the event of a problem) will feel comfortable in his or her work environment.

9. Good employee relations

You and your small business are a cohesive unit, a team that must work together to achieve a common goal. And with each good team comes a sense of trust and loyalty that is much easier to establish and promote, with a sense of camaraderie between members. Some employers use icebreakers at the beginning of meetings to strengthen employee relations. Studies by the Institute for Future Work in Germany show that employees who work with friends or acquaintances increase their productivity by an average of 10%. A happier worker is a better worker.

Productivity is the key to the survival of your small business. The above methods of increasing and maintaining productivity are sure ways to give your small business the momentum it needs to move in the right direction at a growing and steady pace.


Qualified and experienced employees will always be the backbone of a good human resources department.

However, as technology becomes increasingly important to the financial results of most organizations, people must adapt to these changes and realize their potential. Leveraging some of the amazing capabilities that HRM software offers can increase efficiency and help both HR professionals and the workforce as a whole process that will increase productivity in any organization.