Tips for Hiring an Effective Salesperson

Hiring the right salesperson is crucial for business growth, customer acquisition, and maintaining employee satisfaction. A good salesperson possesses key traits like motivation, positive attitude, and excellent listening skills. To ensure you hire the best, implement effective employee management strategies that align with sales goals, provide ongoing training and support, and foster a culture of performance and collaboration. This approach not only attracts top talent but also retains them, contributing to long-term business success.

In this article, we'll look at the most important traits of a salesperson, what skills to look for, and how to interview a salesperson who will take your business to new heights.

What are the most important traits of a good salesperson?

High motivation

A person without intrinsic motivation won't get far in sales. Even the best salespeople have to deal with rejection on a daily basis. But it's their internal motivation that keeps them focused and allows them to perform at their best.

Of course, money is a great motivator in sales. The more customers they get, the higher their salary will be. But money is only half the battle. A good salesperson is also highly motivated by the opportunity to train others, meet and build relationships with new customers, and the flexibility to use their individual strengths and strategies in their role.

A Positive Attitude

The science of positive psychology has proven that the right attitude can improve most aspects of our lives, especially in the workplace. So it's no surprise that happy and positive employees are at least 13% more productive than their negative counterparts. Plus, people find positivity attractive, which helps attract new customers, motivates entire teams, and gives your brand the right image.

Good Listening Skills

"Sell me this pen" is an old sales call question asked by hiring managers to get a feel for a potential new employee. A common mistake many people make is to immediately list the benefits of the pen and tell someone why they absolutely need it.

But a good salesperson will ask if their prospect's current pens will improve their performance, how they might benefit from using the new pen, and if they're even looking for a set of new pens. A good salesperson will consider whether they can provide the best service to a prospect by understanding what they need to be more efficient and successful.

The ability to build a solid work routine

It's easy to focus on stimulating tasks like closing a deal. But when it comes to sales and most other jobs, people get ahead by building a solid routine and sticking with it. The average B2B salesperson makes about 35 calls a day, and 82% of buyers accept meetings when salespeople contact them. So when a rep doesn't deviate from their routine of contacting prospects, they increase their chances of closing new deals and making more money for you.

Excellent knowledge of your company and offering

Convincing a high-level decision maker responsible for the company's money to buy your product is no easy task. If they invest in a flop, their reputation will suffer. So an excellent salesperson needs to know how to answer some challenging questions.

Before a salesperson writes their first pitch or makes their first call, they should know your company website inside and out, go through your white paper closely, review financial projections, and even read press releases and coverage. At some point a salesperson is asked surprising questions… “Um, I don’t know” is not a convincing answer.

How Hiring Sales Reps is Different from Recruiting for Other Roles

Hiring a sales rep is different from recruiting for other roles because you're ultimately looking for a perfect blend of personality and skills. Ironically, good sales reps are great at selling themselves, even if they're not necessarily the best fit for your company, which can make the recruiting process more difficult. However, IceHrm's Sales Report can help you find the right sales rep for your company.

Choosing the right salesperson involves assessing key traits and skills crucial for success. IceHrm's tools, like the Sales Report, enhance hiring accuracy and ensure a strong team fit for sustained growth.