The Power and Perks of 360 Feedback Software In Employee Evaluation

It is no longer enough to have annual, top-level staff meetings. What managers and employees really want is 360 degree feedback where everyone gets to have their say.

Top-level employee interviews have rarely provided any managers or employees with valuable insight. Unfortunately, they are often as far from promoting the relationship between manager and employee as it is possible to get, but what is far worse is the fundamental flaw: the feedback the boss gives via them can often be inaccurate and only based on the very limited the interactions he/she has had with the employees during the year.

The bosses are often distant from what their direct reports really contribute to their teams, and it is therefore much more likely that they have an inaccurate perception of what a person is really like to work with, how professional that person is, whether he or she creates collaboration or achieve their goals. It must be said that many bosses now agree with this. A recent survey shows that 87% of both parties agree that one-to-one conversations alone are ineffective and inappropriate. But being aware of this and breaking the habits are two very different things.

It's not about a lack of feedback, but about the right "type" of feedback.

It's not that employees don't like feedback - in fact, 75% of employees say it's invaluable (millennials in particular appreciate it as often as possible). The problem is that many people feel that the feedback does not come from the right place - namely from those they actually work with on a daily basis. What the employees really want is not one person's view, but the view of many, which is achieved by implementing 360 degree feedback.

A more complete picture provides greater organizational benefits

Feedback from colleagues is preferable because it literally shows the employees in their entirety. Around 45% of employees who responded to a recent PwC survey said that they wanted feedback from customers and colleagues primarily because of this.

But there are several good reasons why organizations should start supporting 360 degree employee interviews. Because not only do they give a much-needed boost to those to whom the feedback directly applies (those who receive 360 degree feedback report better morale and self-confidence - and thus increased commitment and productivity), but the effect is far more extensive. By involving others, hearing what they think and listening to their colleagues, the managers contribute to the business becoming more inclusive. They help create a greater sense of togetherness, where everyone's opinions matter. When there is an expectation that feedback should be inclusive, it strengthens the company culture, breaks down silos and creates an agreement that everyone can learn from each other. In other words, openness and transparency are important. Some companies have been so good at using 360 degree feedback that it is now the employees who help determine the salary of their colleagues - even the CEO - as well as a number of other benefits, for example how much holiday they can take .

Justice for all

Where 360 degree employee interviews really excel is that they also help to create the necessary consistency in relation to the sometimes inconsistent and disorganized approach that one-to-one interviews can have.

Most managers will admit that they simply don't have time to plan staff meetings. Often they are completed within a few minutes and (perhaps because they do not dare to raise difficult questions) problems may be passed over or not mentioned at all. The worst thing is that they are often not fair to everyone, but favor those with whom the leaders have a better personal relationship.

Enter process in performance management

Because 360 degree employee interviews are a more process-oriented event that requires a technical solution, none of these pitfalls survive. Feedback now requires rules: alerts, so that others can be asked to provide feedback, feedback criteria that can be repeated each time,and systems to collect and analyze the results. Basically, it's about getting back to the point of employee interviews - to record, analyze and discuss performance against targets in a fact-based and grown-up way.

It sounds so simple when you think about it. One person's opinion is just an opinion, while the opinions of many, if uninfluenced, begin to become fact.

The good news is that employees are not afraid to hear what others think, because it provides important nuances and a basis for how they can improve in the future. It is certainly time that more leaders start to see the whole picture in front of them.

Incorporating 360 feedback software transforms the traditional performance evaluation landscape, fostering transparency, inclusivity, and consistency. It's a strategic move towards a holistic understanding of employee contributions.