Pay Transparency: What You Should Know

The concept of pay transparency is gaining traction in the United States, driven by legislative reforms, increased employee advocacy, and a societal push for fairness. With more states enacting laws to support this movement, it's evident that these practices are becoming integral to payroll management strategies. Embracing transparency not only fosters trust and equity but also ensures compliance with evolving regulations, making it a permanent fixture in modern payroll practices.

Even if your state has not yet formalized pay transparency laws, staying informed about its principles is crucial for staying ahead in compliance and fostering a fair workplace culture. Explore the essentials of pay transparency: its definition, significance, existing regulations, and practical implementation tips. Utilizing payslip software can streamline this process, ensuring accurate and transparent communication of pay information to employees.

What is pay transparency?

In simple terms, pay transparency means disclosing salary information to employees and job applicants. This may include specifying salary ranges in job postings, making the salary scale for an employee's position available upon request, or establishing formal internal pay transparency policies within the company.

The extent of required disclosure varies from state to state. Some laws require salary ranges to be publicly disclosed, while other countries require employers to provide salary information only upon request or to internal employees. The information that needs to be shared also varies - from specifying salary ranges to sharing detailed compensation data. For this reason, employers need to be clear about the requirements that apply to them.

Why is pay transparency important?

Pay transparency is proven to be beneficial for both employees and employers. According to a report from the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), salary transparency can significantly increase job seekers' interest and applications.

The SHRM study found that 82% of American workers are more likely to apply for jobs that include a salary range in the job posting. Additionally, 74% said they are less interested in jobs where the salary is not disclosed up front.

The transparency of the salary also creates more trust among applicants. The study found that 73% of employees have more trust in companies that provide a transparent salary range than those that don't.

From the employer's perspective, salary transparency can improve the quality and quantity of applicants. According to the same report, 70% of companies found that publishing salaries leads to more applicants, and 66% said it increases the quality of applicants.

Salary transparency helps attract top talent because it signals a company's trustworthiness and competitiveness. Both job seekers and companies can benefit from more open compensation practices.

Pay transparency pros and cons

While pay transparency has many benefits, there are also potential downsides.


  • Increases trust and morale among employees
  • Attracts more qualified candidates
  • Can improve talent retention
  • Allows employees to understand pay evaluation criteria and how to grow compensation
  • Fosters open communication around pay philosophy

All this adds up to a better overall employee experience.


  • Risk of wage compression (when pay differences across roles shrink too much)
  • Lower application rates if posted salaries are not competitive
  • Employee dissatisfaction if the pay structure is inconsistent or not explained well
  • Increased risk of lawsuits, if pay rationale can’t be justified

However, many of the downsides can be mitigated with proper pay transparency implementation. When executed strategically, pay transparency pros outweigh the cons for most businesses.

The key is to develop a structured compensation philosophy, set competitive salaries, and communicate pay practices openly and transparently.

Current pay transparency legislation

A growing number of cities and states have passed laws requiring salary transparency. This list, which is constantly being expanded, includes:

  1. California
  2. Colorado
  3. Connecticut
  4. D.C.
  5. Valid from June 30, 2024
  6. Hawaii
  7. Maryland
  8. Nevada
  9. New York State
  10. City of New York
  11. Ithaca
  12. Albany County
  13. Westchester County
  14. Cincinnati, Ohio
  15. Toledo, Ohio
  16. Rhode Island
  17. Washington
  18. Jersey City, NJ

Illinois also passed a pay transparency law for employers with 15 or more employees, but it will not go into effect until January 1, 2025.

Additionally, employers who hire employees who can do their jobs from any location must meet the state's most generous compensation disclosure requirements. This affects employers who offer positions that can be filled from anywhere in the country.

As you can see from the list above, individual cities such as New York City, Cincinnati, and Toledo have also passed local pay transparency ordinances. These laws generally apply to employers who exceed a certain size and advertise jobs that could be performed in the city in question.

In addition to required disclosures in job postings, some states grant employees the right to request or discuss wage information. Examples include California, Maryland and Washington.

While the specifics vary, the general trend shows that more states and cities are adopting pay transparency reforms each year. Employers must monitor local requirements to ensure that their hiring practices and compensation policies comply with relevant regulations.

Tips for embracing pay transparency

Pay transparency regulations are expanding, but organizations don’t have to take a reactive approach. Adopting pay transparency can benefit your business even if your state lacks formal laws. Here are some tips for implementation:

Create a compensation philosophy

The first step in pay transparency is defining your compensation philosophy. This outlines the principles that guide your pay strategies and decision-making.

To develop a philosophy, determine the factors most important in your pay administration. Common considerations include:

  • Competitiveness: Do you aim to lead, match or lag the market?
  • Performance: Is pay strongly tied to performance ratings and metrics?
  • Equity: How will you ensure equitable pay across employees?
  • Budget: What pay spend can you afford?
  • Incentives: Will you emphasize base pay or variable compensation?
  • Criteria: What specific factors determine pay levels?

Document how these elements align with your business goals and culture. A clear philosophy provides a framework for setting pay ranges, making hiring offers, conducting reviews and communicating pay practices. It brings consistency and structure to compensation programs – building a solid foundation for pay transparency.

Create a clear pay transparency policy

Once you establish a compensation philosophy, the next step is outlining a formal pay transparency policy. This provides guidelines for handling pay communications and inquiries.

When drafting your policy, consider:

  • Pay-setting factors: Specify what bona fide factors determine pay, such as experience, education, certifications and performance ratings.
  • Pay structures: Note what pay ranges and levels exist, along with how ranges are set.
  • Compensation elements: Explain the forms of pay, benefits and variable incentives included.
  • Performance links: Describe how pay connects to performance assessments.
  • Review schedules: State how often pay is reviewed and adjusted.
  • Decision roles: Identify who makes pay determinations and how the rationale is shared.

Documenting these details in a policy sets clear expectations for pay transparency. It also equips managers to have informed discussions about compensation.

Communicate pay transparency practices

Starting with providing talking points to managers, clearly communicate pay policies and practices to all employees to build trust and understanding, and remain consistent. Provide education on how pay decisions are made and be open about salary benchmarking analysis. Honesty and transparency in ongoing communication are essential.

Use a reputable competitor survey

Leverage quality market data from a reputable survey vendor. Scope benchmarks specific to your industry, organization size, locations and job roles. Use data and your compensation philosophy to shape internally aligned pay ranges. Market alignment provides context for transparent conversations about pay practices.

Develop competitive pay ranges

When setting pay ranges, analyze competitive data. Build well-defined ranges that are aligned with your compensation philosophy and market anchors.

Foster a culture of transparency

Look for ways to progressively build pay transparency into your culture. Determine your transparency philosophy and work toward processes that promote openness companywide. Pay transparency is most effective when aligned with broader transparency goals.

Summing it all up

Pay transparency is becoming the new normal, with a growing number of states and cities enacting regulations around compensation disclosure. While specific requirements vary, the overarching themes are consistent – providing pay range details to candidates and empowering employees with pay information. For organizations, this shift calls for establishing structured compensation philosophies, benchmarking against the market and communicating pay strategies openly.

Pay transparency can strengthen talent recruitment, employee relations and compliance when implemented strategically. It represents the future of compensation – one centered on fairness, equity and communication. Despite mandates, businesses can get ahead by proactively adopting pay transparency best practices. IceHrm will set up your organization for success as rising expectations around pay openness continue to evolve today.