Mistakes in Human Resource Management

Your HR staff is responsible for a number of tasks and their effective management can be overwhelming. But they are still human, and that means mistakes are made regularly. The problem is that these mistakes in HR responsibility can cost your company hundreds or even thousands of dollars and perhaps even more.

Complying with labor laws is not an option

Part of the problem is that HR needs to know, understand and comply with a variety of rules, regulations, and laws at the federal, state and, in many cases, county and city levels. Keeping pace with these requirements can be a full-time job. Compliance with regulations can be a nightmare.

While it is clear that the cost of non-compliance can result in high fines, fees, and government penalties, it also takes time and effort to revise documents, correct existing errors and complete other forms. The extra work caused by errors only increases costs.

Due to a large number of requirements to be met, the risk of errors is very high. However, here are five common legal errors in HR compliance practice that can be avoided:

1) Incorrect classification of employees

The correct classification of employees includes a number of factors that need to be considered, but mistakes are often made only because of the employee’s accountability and salary level.

Employees can be classified as employees, self-employed entrepreneurs, legal or non-legal employees. These descriptions are all accompanied by their own potential for misinterpretation.

2) Data protection issues

One of the main mistakes is not to inform employees about the company’s privacy policy. Employees must be made clear that they cannot expect their office computers to be private. Inadequate monitoring of employees’ computer use is directly related to this situation. For example, a number of countries require employers to inform employees that they are subject to electronic surveillance.

Employers are sued by employees because personal data has been compromised by a security breach. While most companies take steps to ensure the security of personal information, implementing a truly secure system and strict access policies, etc., should be seen as a mandatory HR function.

3) Assigning appropriate accommodation measures

Accommodation” can be defined as “a decision in favor of the employee”. This is the responsibility of employers who must accept workers who have a disability, are pregnant, are called up for active military service, or are called up for active military service by a family member, or who request to engage in religious practices or practices.

4) Lack of training

Inadequate training of superiors and managers is a common error. This is particularly risky given the recent #MeToo movement and the increased attention given to sexual harassment. Failure to train managers and supervisors in accordance with state and federal laws can cause problems for employers.

Whether they do so knowingly or not, they may make gross, racist or sexist statements. They may commit acts that are unintentionally discriminatory, but employers are responsible.

One of the best actions a company and its human resources department can take is to educate managers and employees about workplace harassment, particularly sexual harassment. Failure to recognize and acknowledge this problem and the risk of harassment within their own organizations can lead to inadequate compliance with applicable laws.

5) Recruitment and Recruitment

Unfortunately, HR errors are often made during recruitment and interviews. HR managers may sometimes ask for personal or protected characteristics during job interviews. This type of investigation can result in an employer being held liable for discrimination if the candidate is not hired.

In California, for example, the so-called “ban the box” law prevents employers from checking a candidate’s criminal record. In addition, California law prohibits employers from interviewing candidates about their salary history, including benefits and other information on compensation for previous employment.

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IceHrm is a Human resource management system for small and medium-sized organizations. This HRM software centralizes employee data and allows only one authorized person to access it, providing a high level of security. The presence module monitors employee time based on information about insertion and perforation. It covers all the basic HRM needs of a company such as Time Management, Attendance Management, Expense management, leave management, Recruitment management and handling employee information.

Key Features of IceHrm

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