How to Keep Your Top Employees From Quitting

When I take a step back and consider the most prosperous individuals I have met during my career, they all have something in common. They all have a genuine interest in learning new things and are willing to push themselves to improve.

Even though they are at the top of their game, they recognize that they still have a lot to learn and constantly seek out new information. I haven't actually run across an exception to that rule. They find great fulfillment and enjoyment in lifelong learning, both within and outside of the workplace.

Therefore, since lifetime learning and success are connected, as a leader of your company, ask yourself this question: Are you truly committed to continual learning, and more significantly, are you the role model your team looks to in this regard? Your finest employees may begin to doubt if they are truly in the greatest position to support their ongoing learning and development if the response is anything less than a clear "Yes." You also don't want to lose your top employees.

You need to serve as an example of lifelong learning.

I really think that learning new things can be done at any age. In actuality, the strongest leaders I know are those who constantly seek out new knowledge, read widely or engage in extensive exploration, and, above all, who always put their own personal growth first. These individuals frequently own successful firms. It's not a coincidence, either. In my opinion, if a company's owner is dedicated to their own learning, then typically everyone else can be. And that can only result in positive outcomes.

It is our responsibility as leaders to instill in our team members the idea that lifelong learning should be a top priority for all of us in this day and age. To properly drive home this point, we must be living examples of lifelong learning.

So set a task for yourself: What have I learned over the last year, how have I handled it, and what do I want to do next? Second, did anyone notice what you did, and if so, what do you think they think of the improved, new you?Personally, I believe it's crucial to demonstrate to your company that you are genuinely committed to your own professional growth. By doing this, you effectively send the message that learning is something you value highly for both your career and yourself, and that the rest of the company should follow your lead. A culture of lifelong learning will begin to spread as a result.

People leave managers, not organizations.

But you shouldn't be the only one setting an example. To truly have an impact, your people managers must likewise live by this mindset. But if so, you could need to lead a mental attitude adjustment. Your managers should view learning and development as an investment in the long-term well-being and sustainability of themselves, their team, and the larger business rather than as an expense or a waste of time.

Here are three suggestions to assist your people managers in effectively modeling lifetime learning so that their employees will pay attention, take note, and imitate their behavior.

1.Managers must have more self-awareness

Encourage your human resource managers to stop, reflect, and decide for themselves if they are truly devoted to their own learning. Do they have any room for improvement? When did they last participate in training or attend a conference? Or maybe they just read a thought leadership article they discovered online for 20 minutes. All of these, in my opinion, constitute what it means to be dedicated to lifelong learning. Do they regularly venture outside of their comfort zone? Do they still want to know? Are they aware of their skill gaps? Do they portray themselves as being on a development path or as having completed it and checked out of further personal development?

From personal experience, I can attest that cultivating your leadership style is a continuous process rather than the outcome of a few training sessions. Do your people managers consider themselves to be the "finished product" just because they attended one training session last year and did nothing else since? They should not, and if they do, you will have a problem. They could not care about their personal growth, but if their teams adopt that attitude, you're going to have trouble.

Therefore, your managers must understand that by not prioritizing their own learning (often saying that they are too busy doing other "essential" tasks), they are not just doing themselves and their employees a disservice by not establishing a high enough standard.

2.Actions speak louder than words

Your bosses must clearly hear from you that it is insufficient to only "speak the talk" and not "walk the walk." No matter how busy they may believe they are, your people managers must openly and publicly express their dedication to their own lifelong learning because, as we all know, actions speak louder than words (particularly when it comes to setting an example). Sincerity demands that the option be either an acknowledgment of failure or one of success. Both are unpleasant in my opinion.

Being aware that their line boss is carrying out a personal development plan may be tremendously motivating for a direct report. In essence, it aids the team in realizing and comprehending that everyone in the company, including the CEO, has to develop.

Encourage your managers to learn whenever and wherever they can, despite their hectic schedules. After all, there are countless possibilities for learning, many of which practically fit into our daily lives. Encourage your people managers to participate in webinars over their lunch break, attend industry events, or suggest podcasts for them to listen to on the drive home. If we stop to think about it, there is a lot of idle time in our busy schedules as we wait for buses and trains, sit in traffic, or unwind over a sandwich or coffee at lunch. Keep in mind that there isn't a learning strategy that works for everyone, so allow your personnel managers select the course that does.

3.Failure is OK as long as it results in learning

We all want to innovate and grow in order to stay competitive, but that just cannot happen without the odd failure. Let your people managers know that failure is OK in your company's new "culture of lifelong learning" because it is. Just urge them to fail quickly and to learn everything they can from the experience.

Therefore, the next time you are inclined to pass up a chance to learn something new because you believe you are too busy, seize the moment. Stop coming up with justifications, and find the time to improve yourself and pick up new skills in a way that suits you. This change will undoubtedly be noticed by your workers. More significantly, people will emulate you out of admiration and respect.

Tips by IceHrm, a promising digital HR platform.