7 Tips for Exceptional Employee Performance Appraisal

Employee interviews are not always an easy task. Although it takes some practice, managers can take some precautions to ensure they get off to a good start. Here are some tips for you who are new to conducting employee interviews, or for the organization that is ready to take a step in the right direction to revamp the current system of employee interviews.

1. First of all, you must recognize that they are necessary.

It may seem like a problem, but the truth is that your team needs them. With all the attention paid to employee engagement lately, you might think your team can get by with occasional feedback alone.

Employee interviews are an effective tool when used correctly. But for them to be effective, there must be support from the management team and adequate training for the managers.

2. Underline what you want the employee to learn from the employee interview.

The meeting with the employee should have a goal, not just "good job on project XYZ" and "I think this can be improved". What knowledge do you want the employee to be left with after the employee interview? Give the employee specific tips on how he or she can improve and develop after each interview.

3. Ask the employee to come prepared to the meeting.

You should of course be prepared and have your notes ready for the interview, but it is a two-way process. The employee should also come to the employee interview with some questions and successes. If you expect the employees to be prepared for the employee interview, you must also be prepared for the interview itself. If not for your own organization's sake, then for your team's success.

As a manager, you must be prepared before the employee interview and follow up after the interview in a consistent manner, otherwise you risk losing the development work that lies in the employee interview.

4. Be open and willing to discuss challenges and successes.

This is a safe zone. Employees should feel comfortable talking about their challenges and successes as a team member, just as they should feel comfortable suggesting how the team can exercise better leadership. Ask them to name three ways the team can lead them better.

5. Prepare an action plan together with the employee.

Setting up a performance plan to help employees improve their skills should be a collaborative project. Even if the employees have met or exceeded the company's performance standards, there is nothing wrong with setting high goals for the team. Pick a few goals (two is a good number) and work together backwards towards those goals and deadlines. Choose sensible deadlines, and find out where you can get help and how to measure whether the goal has been reached! Voila!

6. Underline what you will do to help the employee achieve the goals.

It is crucial that you understand what your employee needs to achieve the goals you have just set in the tip above. Nearly 80% of workers feel more valued when their strengths are highlighted, and 64% believe they will be more successful in the office if they can build on those strengths. By outlining what you will do to help them achieve their goals, you help them build on those strengths. In the same way that you want the employee to commit to following the plan, management must commit to supporting the plan with resources, tools or assistance at specific intervals.

7. Express continued support.

Make sure your team understands that you support them and ask what you can do to show that support. Regularly check in on how their action plan or goals are progressing, and make sure they have the tools and resources they need to succeed.

Staff interviews don't have to be an ordeal. Even inexperienced managers can get a good employee interview on the first try. All it takes are these 7 tips to ensure you and your team get the most out of your employee interview. Do you think you have what it takes? IceHrm can improve the employee conversation and give you a competitive advantage. Conducting effective employee performance appraisals requires commitment, preparation, and a focus on collaboration. IceHrm's performance appraisal software can enhance this process, ensuring valuable outcomes for both employees and managers.