5 Ways to Make Employee Feedback Count

The expectations of the modern workforce do not match what companies have been offering for decades.

First of all, they don't want to wait twelve months to find out how their performance is going. Instead, they want transparent communication, continuous real-time feedback, a constant opportunity for professional development and coaching from managers and executives alike.

Quality feedback is important for every company as it helps improve employee engagement and increase productivity. According to a PwC study, almost 60% of respondents said they would like to receive feedback on a daily or weekly basis. For workers under 30, that number rose to 72%.

Regular formal and informal feedback sessions with employees are no longer an option. They are a must and can determine the engagement and productivity of a company's workforce. But feedback is a comprehensive concept and involves much more than simply telling the employee how they did. Feedback requires appropriate planning, timing and context if it is to be effective. Otherwise it is a complete waste of time.

Here are some ways to make feedback as effective as possible so that it produces positive results and doesn't become a process that no one cares about.

1.Training managers on the importance and delivery of feedback

But are these managers sufficiently trained to understand the value that feedback brings? More importantly, do they have a genuine interest in the employee they are giving feedback to? Managers must be held accountable to ensure they are providing consistent, high-quality feedback to their team members, but companies must also ensure that their managers understand concepts such as accountability and leadership.

Managers also need to be coached and exposed to the best strategies so that they can handle the burden of leading their own teams with the right kind of knowledge and guidance. They also need regular guidance and want their lives to be easier. Every organization is different and there can be no one size fits all. What can be done, however, is to create a system where everyone is treated fairly and given a real opportunity to be the best version of themselves.

2.A transparent performance management process

Feedback is an important part of any performance management process. The goals and expectations of employees must be clearly defined from the start. Unclear goals or objectives leave employees confused and unable to do their best work. When employees can see the value their contribution can have to a much larger cause, they are intrinsically motivated to achieve their goals.

Effective goal setting and transparent performance assessment and feedback are therefore extremely important. Employees need to be kept informed and up to date on new developments, they should be clearly informed about short and long term goals and how these align with company goals.

3.Robust communication across hierarchies

A good feedback process is a characteristic of a good corporate culture. The corporate culture works according to the trickle-down principle. Unless senior management is truly willing to do what is necessary to address cultural concerns, success remains a utopia. Leaders and managers need to lead by example, display the right attitude, and keep the door open for employees to feel free to communicate openly.

This is what is known as psychological safety in organizations. Employees must feel that they can approach their managers and discuss their problems. Managers have the task not to be invisible, but rather to actively participate in transparent communication and answer questions when necessary. Surveys, group sessions, and regular reviews can help facilitate this proactive process.

4.Honest conversations about expectations and evaluations

Employee feedback must be positive and constructive, but must not be false. Employees are not stupid. They know when something is real and when it isn't. If they find out the feedback is wrong, they will lose trust in the entire system. This not only diminishes the value of what managers say, but also the way the entire company views the feedback. For this reason, feedback must be honest, friendly and sincere.

And when employees know what is expected of them, they perform better. Examples to support points can provide greater clarity when setting goals.

Recommended Reading:- What is employee satisfaction and how to measure it?

5.Two-way process

Most feedback conversations end in a one-way street in which the employee only listens to the superior. This is not a good situation as it shows neither cooperation nor fairness. The feedback must go in both directions, The employee can also participate in the supervisor's evaluations. This way, both parties can understand each other better and work together to improve things.

Assessments should be conversations, not about a person switching into talking mode. Rapport must be built both ways through listening and empathy.

Elevate your feedback culture with IceHrm's insights. From training managers to fostering transparent communication, cultivate an environment where feedback drives growth.