5 ways to help your employees achieve a better work-life balance

Work-life balance is tough to achieve in our always-on lifestyle. We can be more engaged in both our personal and professional life if we create harmony between them. It's difficult to be completely focused and engaged at work when individuals struggle to maintain healthy boundaries between work and home.

Many people believe that employees are only responsible for balancing their professional and personal lives, and that corporations are only responsible for increasing employee engagement. However, this is not the case—human resources departments play a critical influence in whether or not employees feel empowered to strike a healthy work-life balance. Your firm sets the environment for healthy, highly engaged employees by encouraging employees to embrace a good work-life balance.

5 ways to promote better work-life balance:

1.Encourage breaks

Encourage your colleagues to take breaks, go for a stroll, or work from a different location in the office.You can set aside spare workstations or build break-out spaces for employees. It's healthy to take a break from the team banter and phones every now and then.

2.Employee-centered vacation policies

It is critical for a person's mental health and productivity to take time off from work. Employees who take regular time off and vacations are more satisfied with their jobs, according to research. Taking a break can help you improve your mental health, creativity, and overall productivity. Curating a time off policy that prioritizes the needs of employees will assist in creating a healthy work environment and preserving team morale.

3.Create a mental health program for employees to support their well-being

Focus on your employees' well-being and mental health while establishing work-life balance programs. Thousands of businesses have implemented mental health programs in the workplace to promote employee well-being, minimize burnout, and increase engagement.

Employee mental health initiatives are proactive, teaching teams how to manage their well-being on a regular basis. Live and on-demand training sessions for workplace mental health should be offered so that employees can learn in real time and refer back to it as needed.Employees should be able to use resources like easy-to-use apps and quiet spaces as part of their well-being program when they are stressed or need to practice mindfulness. Having well-being resources on hand provides employees with the assistance they require to remain productive and engaged.

Employees can better control their emotions at work and at home by implementing a mental health program. Employees can better manage their work-life balance if they are given well-being skills and coping methods.

4.Remote work flexibility

Remote work flexibility benefits both the employee and the company because the person is not bound to a single location for work and the firm is not restricted to a single area for recruiting talent. Employees would also want to have control over when, where, and how they complete their tasks.

5.Include perks

Employee bonuses such as discounted gym memberships, discounts, or a complimentary massage every now and again would make for a happier workforce. Your employees would appreciate it if you gave them benefits.

The advantages of a better work-life balance for your company are enormous.Employees will be happier and more productive, and your organization will be known for looking after them, attracting top talent and making it easier to hire and keep the finest.

Tips by Icehrm.com, A promising digital HR platform.