5 Ways Emotional Intelligence Will Make You a Better Leader

Many of us still place an emphasis on developing traditional leadership abilities like effective decision-making, strategic thinking, and people management. However, one of the most important skills a leader may possess is emotional intelligence, which is typically undervalued.

What is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to your ability to perceive and comprehend emotions in yourself and others, as well as how to use this knowledge to control your behavior and relationships. It has been proven to be more essential than IQ in determining how well individuals and leaders perform at work.

Here are five key advantages that a leader with higher emotional intelligence has over others, as well as how those advantages help the entire team:


Empathy is the ability to understand and share another person's feelings – to put oneself in their shoes, to put it another way. It's the foundation of emotional intelligence and a fundamental component of successful human connections.

It's difficult, if not impossible, to consider the consequences of your actions without empathy. You can't properly self-regulate if you don't understand or think on how others might perceive your activities.

Empathy also aids a leader in comprehending the particular situations that others are confronted with, as well as how those circumstances affect their work. To summarize, empathy has a direct impact on the employee experience.

2.Team engagement

Consider the person you know who is the most emotionally intelligent. What do they do when they are confronted with adversity? It's likely that they'll accept it. Of course, they will face challenges and may be distressed along the way, but they will be better able to keep their equilibrium.

The leader with a high EI is the same, and he or she builds an environment that reflects that. As a result, team members are better prepared to "roll with the punches." The high-EI team can change and maintain a healthy perspective when deadlines are tight, projects are unsuccessful, or their workload is extra-heavy. Regardless of the circumstances, they remain committed to their work and the team's objectives.

3.Internal motivation

Emotionally intelligent leaders are aware of their own internal motivations and how they relate to those of their team and the corporation.

In practically any business situation, strong intrinsic motivation is a competitive advantage, and the capacity to channel that motivation toward success should not be overlooked.

A highly motivated leader understands the conditions that must be met in order for those motivations to be realized, as well as the critical role that others play in those accomplishments. This understanding aids individuals in making informed decisions in their interactions and relationships with others.

4.Social skills

As a leader, advanced social skills are priceless assets to have at your disposal. These are the tools you'll need to put all of the knowledge, insights, and empathy you've worked so hard to develop into action.

Social skills aid in the handling of difficult situations and the development of mutually beneficial interpersonal connections. They're essential for getting through unpleasant situations, settling problems, and improving communication.

5.Feedback loop

A leader can tune into the social and team cues they need to flourish and evolve as a leader with greater listening skills and heightened social awareness of EI. This generates a positive feedback loop for them, which they can utilize to improve their leadership skills, streamline processes, and better support their team members in the future. EI is important in transformative leadership, as a leader's personal qualities take precedence over his or her position.

In the end, having a high EI leads to improved communication, decision-making, impact, and relationships. All of these things are necessary for a leader's success.

Tips by Icehrm.com, A promising digital HR platform.