Unlocking High Performance: The Power of Connection

How connected do you feel? How does it feel to be connected? And why is connection so important for companies right now?

Connectedness is one of the factors that drive engagement, and we know that engaged employees perform better, create more value and stay longer. Commitment is the key to ensuring that everyone works towards a common goal and surpasses themselves in the pursuit of this goal.

When we feel connected, we are more energized and resilient, feel more capable and creative; our attitude is more of a glass half full. Everything is important and our standards and integrity are high.

Achieve immediate and lasting impact

This is also reflected in sports teams: those who have a strong bond are often better than those who have more resources but less team spirit.

Connection is the gold dust of high performance, and it's free!

So how can we increase the level of connection with our employees?

Have regular 121 conversations with your team

This is one of the simplest but most powerful habits to foster connection, and yet it often doesn't happen.

121s are always put aside in favor of other things that seem more urgent at first glance. But at what price?

How does it feel when an appointment is canceled or postponed because “something else came up”? And if this becomes a habit, you will eventually feel decidedly unimportant.

So set regular 121 appointments and set priorities. Make it the most important thing to your team, they will appreciate it.

Even if there seems to be "nothing to discuss," this could be a good opportunity to explore personal challenges or more strategic opportunities.

Be present and energized

You are about to start a 121 with one of your employees. You've had a busy day, are behind on an important project, and are also having family problems. You really could do without this meeting. We've all experienced that.

But for your team members, this is an important event; it's their time.

To be present, we may need to take a short walk and take a few deep breaths, focusing on the team member, what is important to them and what they are dealing with at the moment.

Bring your best self to the conversation, use emotional intelligence to inspire trust, and practice listening well. Be curious and ask for details to get to the bottom of problems and find solutions.

Above all, be energetic and positive. Not overly positive, but positive enough to make a difference. Inject humor where you can, because nothing strengthens connection like laughter.

Think like an event organizer

Most companies have realized that bringing teams together in a face-to-face environment is a good idea. How often and for what purpose is up to you and is a good topic to discuss with your team. Think about what would make your team event special and unforgettable.

Food and drink are still popular, but how about raising the bar? For example:

  • Present new information or findings to the group and discuss what it might mean.
  • Invite a guest speaker to talk about something the team has deemed important
  • Give participants time and space to get to know each other better; You may need to create a little structure for this, especially for introverts or those who struggle with social events.
  • Ask employees for their input in solving a team/business problem - people get creative when they come together and it shows that you value your team's intelligence and diverse perspectives.
  • Sometimes just choosing a different or external venue is enough to give participants a different feeling and encourage new reflections and conversations.

Create solid foundations

If you implement these three things, your team's cohesion will improve.

Team members will feel more valued and look forward to the time they spend with you and the rest of the team. You will notice that the team becomes more proactive, innovative and open to change.

You will also lay the foundation for a high-performing team that has the potential to achieve great things. For some of your team members, this can be a life-changing experience that will shape their idea of what is good and what it feels like.

Prioritize connection to unlock your team's full potential. IceHrm offers tools and insights to cultivate a culture of engagement.