Time Mangement Tips

Time management is really about managing yourself. You can’t really “manage” time because there are 24 hours a day, 60 minutes an hour, 60 seconds a minute and that never changes. But you can control where and how you spend your time and take steps to reduce or eliminate lost time. Here are ten timeless ways to take control of your schedule every day to make the most of the time available.

1) Establishment of priority objectives

If you don’t have goals, you may tend to follow what you think is most urgent or look your face in the face. It is difficult not to be distracted by shiny objects. To avoid this, discover your real priorities in life and focus on them by setting annual, monthly, weekly and daily goals or desired outcomes. Organize each of these categories according to the following system:

Meaning: (A=high, B=medium, C=low)

Emergency: (1=high, 2=average, 3=low)

Always work first on the most urgent and important objectives and tasks (A1) and then continue on your list.

2) Follow rule 80/20

The 80/20 rule, also known as the Pareto principle, says that 80% of your results come from 20% of your shares. It’s a way to evaluate your schedule, prioritize the tasks you choose according to your key objectives. Do you focus on the 20% of activities that deliver 80% of the desired results?

3) Learn to say no

While it’s great to be a team player, it’s also important to know when and how to assert yourself and let people know that you can’t handle your request right now if it’s contrary to your goals. If you agree to take on the task, negotiate a deadline that will help them achieve their goals without sacrificing yours.

4) Overcoming the delay with the 4D system

Delete it: What are the consequences if you do not perform the task at all? Think of the 80/20 rule; maybe it doesn’t have to be done in the first place.

Delegate it: If the task is important, ask yourself if it is really something you are responsible for. Can the task be assigned to someone else?

Do it now: Shifting an important task that needs to be done only creates a feeling of fear and stress. Do this as early as possible in the day.

Defer: If it’s a task that can’t be done quickly and doesn’t have a high priority, just postpone it.

5) Eat the frog

Mark Twain said, “If it’s your job to eat a frog, it’s better to do it in the morning. And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s better to eat the biggest one first.”
It’s about setting priorities. Do the most important projects in the morning, and when you’re done, move on to the less relevant ones. It will help you better organize the workflow and make you more efficient. If the first thing you do every morning is to eat a live frog, you can spend the day with the satisfaction of knowing that it’s probably the worst thing that will happen to you all day.”

Your frogs every day are the tasks that have the most impact on achieving your goals, which are usually the tasks you hesitate to do most often.

6) Reduce the number of meetings

Poorly conducted meetings are a waste of time multiplied by the number of people present at the meeting. Make sure you have an agenda and not just a meeting to have a meeting.

7) The glass vessel: rocks, pebbles, sand

Categorize your work this way:

Rocks: Your most important strategic projects

Pebbles: Projects and tasks that are important but not the most critical.

Sand: Smaller and less important tasks.

First, grab the Rocks. If you continue to attack the small things (sand and Pebbles) and not the important strategic elements, the rocks, then your glass will quickly fill up without having room for more rocks.

8) Eliminate the electronic waste of time

Everyone has certain distractions that interrupt them and prevent them from working. Is this your Facebook? Twitter? Retrieve emails? Continuous messages with friends and family? Stop checking them so often and start grouping these kinds of activities. Set a time, then review and process them all at once. Give yourself 30 minutes and then get back to work.

9) Organize yourself

To effectively manage your time and be productive every day, you need to create the right environment. Avoid unnecessary clutter, set up an efficient filing system, have a nearby location for all the frequently needed work items and use workflow management tools to help you create a productive environment.

10) Look after your health

A good night’s sleep, a healthy diet, and exercise will give you the energy, concentration, and stamina you need to make the most of your day. It may seem that work is more important and that you can think about sleep, food, and exercise later. But if you lose your health, you can’t work or do many other things, so don’t save yourself the trouble of taking care of yourself.

Time management skills

Include effective time management skills:

SMART goal setting — make sure that the objectives you set for yourself are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.
Effective planning — Make sure you have clear objectives and defined tasks and resources to create a clear plan that will lead you to your goals.
Stress management — make sure you manage your stress with strategies and tactics to relax at work.
Proper task allocation — task delegation helps you to facilitate work and share it with your competent colleagues and employees.
Avoid distractions — Distractions deprive you of the time you should work (or even relax), so you should learn how to avoid them.
Single task — focusing on one task after another helps you achieve better end results than multitasking.
Saying“No” — this two-letter word helps you save time for your own priorities.
Prioritize — Investing time in the right tasks takes less effort but produces better results. This is also known as the 20/80 rule or Pareto principle.
Overcoming Procrastination — Identify and address the causes of your procrastination.
To improve your time management, you need to practice these skills.

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