Pros and Cons of Remote Work

Here is the truth about working from home: There are many perks and significant benefits of working from home many of which you may have heard and read about. But there are also some disadvantages. As with any other job, you will probably experience some advantages and disadvantages in a remote position.

Advantages of remote jobs

Increased flexibility
Depending on your role at a distance, you may find that you have more flexibility in your schedule if you work from home. Unlike working in an office building and punching a time clock, working from home often allows you flexibility in how you schedule your time to run errands, make appointments or take care of your personal needs. Remote workers can sometimes work hours that suit their personality - night owls can work late when they are at their most energetic, focused and productive, while early risers can get up to catch the proverbial worm. This coveted flexibility is also the key to that hard-to-achieve work-life balance.

No commute
Anyone who has slaved in bumper-to-bumper traffic to the office or experienced a wild ride in bad weather will appreciate the time savings and stress that comes with the elimination of daily commuting. Working from home can save hours per day that would otherwise have to be spent on the way to the office. Now this extra time can be spent with your family, visiting the dog park, adapting to yoga or any other activity you want to devote more time to.

Reduced costs
In addition to the time you save when you no longer need to commute, you may also find that you save a number of costs each week, including gas or public transportation expenses, vehicle wear and tear, eating out, work clothes and dry cleaning, and childcare costs.

More productivity, fewer sick days
If you share a workplace in a traditional office environment, you are directly exposed to the germs of others, but if you work from home, you are much less exposed to others and their diseases. On the other hand, if you catch something, it is much easier to take care of yourself and still get some work done while working from home, which means you are likely to have fewer sick days.

Read More... Remote Workers Average Productivity Loss is 1%

Disadvantages of working from home

Reduced human contact
If you are extroverted and feed on the kind of person who feeds on interaction with others, working from home can feel isolating. Sometimes interacting with others via email, phone, instant messaging or video conferencing can ease this feeling, but it is no substitute for direct communication. Some employees in remote locations find that working in a library or in a public place, such as a coffee shop, satisfies their need to interact with others, but some prefer an office environment to solitude. Consider working from a coworking space that allows you to work remotely while enjoying the benefits of working in an office environment.

Fuzzy work and private life
If you work from home, you can't always shut off your personal life while you work, or block your work commitments once you get off work. Creating a workspace separate from the rest of your home can help, but some employees who work from home find it a challenge to quit work when they know it is within reach.

Difficulty to present your services
When it's time for a review or check-in with your supervisor, working remotely can present challenges in presenting your performance. This can be important when you ask for a raise or fight for a promotion. To address this issue as a remote worker, keep a record of your daily workload and the milestones you have reached during the year so that you can present this information at a review. You should also decide to have regular personal meetings with your supervisor so that you do not become a "out of sight, out of mind" employee.

Different types of distractions
While you are spared the traditional work distractions, such as opening and closing the elevator door a million times a day or stopping colleagues at your desk to interrupt your workflow, a remote office presents its own distractions and temptations. You need to control yourself so that you don't spend all day watching TV, doing laundry, etc. And sometimes it can be difficult to concentrate when the doorbell rings or the dog barks. But if you are able to create a home office with limited distractions and temptations, you should be fine!

Our goal at FlexJobs is for job seekers to find jobs that give them job satisfaction, whether they work in the office or from home. When thinking about a distance job, it is important to analyze yourself and weigh the pros and cons to determine if it is right for you. If you are ready to start your job search remotely, check out our remote job opportunities today. Good luck!

Find Out More... 4 Reasons Why Remote Work is Better for Companies