Performance Reviews in IceHrm

IceHrm's performance review module offers several key features that can help organizations to manage performance reviews effectively. One of the key features is the ability to create customized review templates. This means that organizations can create performance review templates that are tailored to their specific needs and requirements.

To create a feedback template, log in to your admin account and go to Manage -> Performance -> Employee Feedback Templates tab and click on add new.

Give the template a name, description and create a customized feedback template as shown below:

Once you have created the feedback template, now you can assign these templates to your employees. To assign a template to an employee, go to the Performance Reviews tab and click on add new.

Now the employee will receive a notification about the assigned feedback template. The employee can then login to their account and fill in the feedback template.

If you're interested in learning more about how to set and track employee goals to measure performance in IceHrm, click here for more information.