How to manage your employees right?

Human Resources Management (HRM) is the practice of recruiting, hiring, providing and managing the employees of a company. HRM is often referred to only as Human Resources (HR). The human resources department of a company or organization is usually responsible for developing, implementing, and monitoring policies for employees and the company’s relationships with its employees. The term “human resources” was first used in the early 1900s and more broadly in the 1960s to describe the people who work for the company as a whole.

HRM is really about managing human resources with an emphasis on these employees as the company’s assets. In this context, employees are sometimes referred to as human capital. As with other corporate values, the objective is to optimize human resources, reduce risk and maximize return on investment (ROI). The concept of modern HR technology, Human Capital Management (HCM), has been used more frequently than HRM because it is widely used by large and medium-sized companies and other software organizations to manage many HR functions.

Human Resources refers to the functions that a manager performs for the employees of the enterprise. Human Resource Management can also refer to the act of providing management actions for employees in the HR department. Human Resource Management includes, but is not limited to:

· Planning and resource allocation: No company has unlimited resources. Managers must allocate salary budgets to their employees. Workloads must be shared. Managers decide who gets what training and who gets the best projects.

Who receives the last computer and is stuck with the old one until the new budgeting cycle runs? Where does a manager spend his time outside of material resources? Who does it help? All this is part of the planning and allocation of resources.

· Provide direction, vision, and objectives: A manager should be the leader of the group. Not only do managers divide work, but they also control how employees do the work. They set the objectives. Depending on the type and level of the group, managers may set overall objectives that allow employees to set their own objectives at the lower level, or they may take control of the entire process. Both are appropriate depending on the situation.

Vision is a key task in the management of your human resources. If your employees cannot see the big picture, they are less likely to work at their highest level. Managers must have a vision and share it properly with the team.

· Create an environment in which employees choose motivation and contribution: Managers determine the type of environment that best suits their department. Good managers ensure that gossip, tyrants and slackers are either trained in a good performance or fired. Poor managers allow these people to go beyond the department and create a tense and unhappy environment. A good environment motivates employees and they opt for a high level of performance.

· Provide or question metrics that tell people how successful they are: Managers must provide feedback. Without this framework, employees do not know where they need to improve and where they are succeeding. This is most effective when measures are based on clear and measurable objectives.

· Offers opportunities for formal and informal development: A manager’s role is not only to do the work, but also to help employees succeed. Managers should personally coach employees and provide them with formal development opportunities, such as courses and stretching projects. They can offer to coach through formal mentoring relationships or regular feedback.

· An example of work ethic, interaction with people and empowerment that deserves to be emulated by others: A good manager shows his employees how to behave. It is ethically sound, treats people fairly and gives them the independence they deserve. Managers who play favorites, steal loans or discriminate against their employees harm the company’s most important resource: its employees.

· Lead organizational efforts to listen and serve customers: Executives often see clients as more important than their own employees. This is not true, good human resources management leads to good customer relations. Customer relationships are essential and the business gains of managers who put customer service first.

Managers have a commitment to clients and employees, and if they do both, success is more likely.

· Remove barriers to employee progress: Executives help their employees when they lead the way to success. If employees need management approval for something, the manager helps to facilitate approval. If an employee needs training, special instructions or project support, the manager will assist them.

A manager is interested in the success of his employees and works hard to pave the way for that success. A leader who wants to succeed focuses his efforts on the success of his employees.