Guide for Preparing the Workplace for COVID-19

COVID 19, the novel coronavirus infection that started in December last year in Hubei province in China, is now which has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. All sections of society should be concerned with public health authorities to take measures to prevent and contain the spread of the virus.

It is crucial to remain vigilant, as Sri Lanka has recently reported cases of COVID 19. Companies and employers, in have in particular an important role to play in ensuring safety at work if we are to stop the spread of this disease in the workplace are frequented by a large number of people.
This document outlines the main steps to be taken in workplaces to prevent the spread of the virus. Employers should start doing these things now to keep jobs safe and prevent the spread of the virus This can help to working days lost through illness and stop or slow down the spread of COVID-19 The following simple measures can be easily implemented introduced in the workplace in order to stem the spread of infections.

Pay attention to the distribution of COVID-19

This virus can be transmitted from person to person (if they are in a distance of about 1m) if someone inhales droplets that are coughed up or exhaled by people infected with the virus. Furthermore, when an infected the person coughs or exhales, droplets of the infected fluid may be released and contaminate nearby surfaces; and objects, such as desks, tables or telephones. An uninfected person can become infected with the virus by touching the following objects surfaces and then touch their eyes, nose or mouth.

Be aware of who is more at risk

Most people infected with the virus develop mild symptoms and recover without complications. Those with reduced immunity and people suffering from diseases such as diabetes, heart, liver and lung diseases are more endangered. The risk also increases with age, and people over 40 seem to be more vulnerable.

Promotion of good hand hygiene among employees and customers

  • Hand hygiene includes either cleaning the hands with soap and water or with an alcoholic hand rub
  • Make it mandatory for employees and customers to clean their hands before entering the workplace
  • Provide employees and customers with hand washing facilities or disinfectant dispensers for hand rubs
  • Clean their hands at main entrances and other appropriate places
  • Ensure that hand rub dispensers are refilled regularly and that soap and water are freely available at all times
  • The correct technique of hand washing can be demonstrated through posters, brochures, via LCD panels and dissemination of information at meetings

Why? Because washing your hands with soap and water or rubbing them with alcohol kills the virus on your hands and prevent the spread of COVID-19

Ensure cleanliness and hygiene in the workplace

  • Make sure that surfaces (e.g. desks and tables) and objects (e.g. shared used telephones, keyboards, cash dispensers, door handles and railings etc.) with a suitable disinfectant several times a day
  • Keep the doors open as far as possible (e.g. non-air-conditioned areas) - This minimizes the need to touch the door handles
  • In air-conditioned rooms - open the doors with your body by pressing (this minimizes contact of door handles, places where you have to pull to open - it is advisable to disposable cloth for the door handle and dispose of it immediately)
  • Minimizing overcrowding of customers (supermarkets, shops, banks, government offices, etc.) within the workplace. Control the arriving customers on the premises by entrances with the assistance of the security officers. Let them enter in manageable numbers where the staff can handle it. Arrange for a suitable place outside the office until they can turn
  • Try to keep at least one meter (1M) distance between the customers and the officers who are directly customer relations. If this is not possible, it is advisable that these officers wear a face mask. Wash their hands more often than others on duty and should not wash their face with unwashed hands

Why? Because touching surfaces that are contaminated with infectious material is one of the most important that COVID-19 distributes. These instructions are more important for workstations where a large number of customers/clients who visit regularly. E.g. banks, hospitals, shopping centres, religious places etc...

How to deal with the COVID-19 risk when organizing meetings and events

Before the meeting or event,

Consider whether a personal meeting or event is required. Could it be replaced by a conference call or online event?

When a meeting must be held,

  • Minimize the number of participants
  • Do not shake hands with the other participants, but say "Ayubowan".
  • Pre-order sufficient supplies and materials, including handkerchiefs and hand sanitizers, for all participants.
  • Have surgical masks ready to be offered to anyone who has breathing difficulties.
  • Keep a distance of 1 m between participants.
  • Follow all hygiene measures described above

Read more... Things You Need to Consider Returning to Work After COVID-19