Boosting Work Productivity Through Exercise

Regular exercise isn't just good for your health - it can have huge benefits for your career too

The costs to businesses in the UK of their employees being ill are well documented and on the rise. But there are other, more personal reasons for workers to invest in their physical and mental well-being beyond potentially saving their employer money. Here are the top four examples of how physical activity can improve your career.

How does exercise improve work productivity? Four benefits of exercise

From better sleep to more energy, exercise has a whole host of positive side effects. But many people don't realise that these benefits can also spill over into their professional lives. So how can exercise improve work productivity and, in turn, careers? Read on to find out.

1.It can boost your performance

Physical activity is a 'cognitive treat', says developmental biologist Dr John Medina. 'Our evolutionary ancestors were used to walking up to 12 miles a day. This means that our brains have been supported by Olympic bodies for most of our evolutionary history... We haven't had millions of years to adapt to our sedentary lifestyles. This lifestyle has been detrimental to both our physical and mental health."

Resource Caravans" and Professional Self-Efficacy

In 2023, the Harvard Business Review conducted a ten-day study in which 200 workers from China and the United Kingdom tracked their physical activity and subsequent work outcomes. It found that by exercising daily, participants had "resources" that increased their productivity at work the next day. One of these resources was sleep quality, which is improved by physical activity. Another resource was vitality, and a third was task orientation, which promotes better concentration, attention, and information processing.

The study also found that physical exercise improves professional self-efficacy, which is a person's belief that they can do their job well. Individuals with higher job self-efficacy are more likely to believe in themselves and feel more motivated—which in turn has a positive impact on their job performance.

It's important to note that the benefits of exercise come with a slight delay, meaning it may take some time for productivity at work to improve. The study noted that results occurred the next day—so your Monday lunchtime run may not have an impact until Tuesday.

Corporate Wellness Programs

A 2017 study led by the University of California showed that corporate wellness programs can not only reduce absenteeism, but also increase productivity. The research team tracked the progress of 111 workers at five laundry facilities who were given access to a free, voluntary wellness program that provided workers with personalized health information. They compared workers' health statistics with daily production data to create causal estimates of the program's impact on productivity.

"We find productivity improvements based on both participation in the program and health changes after the program," the researchers write. "Sick and healthy individuals who improved their health [through better nutrition and increased exercise] increased their productivity by about 10%."

When you implement a wellness program in your company, don't forget to track its impact on absenteeism and performance ratings using the data available in your HR software - this valuable information will help you prove the return on investment (ROI) of your program and help you build the business case for future investments.

2.It can boost your creativity and focus

Lack of inspiration? Stuck in a creative rut? Got a lot of problems and no idea how to solve them? Put on your sneakers and get moving, because a 2020 study found that physical activity and imagination are linked. In this study, 79 participants recorded their daily physical activity for five days. Their creativity was also monitored, both by themselves and through tests. The researchers found that the more active the subjects were, the more creative they were - a result that suggests a link between creativity and physical activity in everyday life."

Wendy Suzuki, professor of neural science and psychology at New York University, explains in a post for Quartz that physical exercise can boost our performance at work in three other ways. First, it helps combat stress because it increases the release of neurotransmitters like serotonin, which are reduced during anxiety and depression. Second, exercise improves the ability to shift and focus attention - so if you have a large project that requires your attention, exercise before working on it. Finally, physical activity stimulates the growth of new cells in the hippocampus, which can improve your memory.

"All of this should serve as a powerful motivator for regular physical activity," says Suzuki.

3.It can open up new opportunities for you to expand your professional network

Business contacts have traditionally been made over a game of golf or a round of beer. But the British population is becoming increasingly health conscious: it's estimated that 12.5% ​​of adults in the UK don't drink alcohol, with abstinence becoming increasingly popular, especially among young people. Gyms are also growing in popularity: it's estimated that 14% of Brits are members of a gym, and some are even replacing nightclub visits with late-night fitness classes.

So if you want to meet a new group of people, why not try “sweating” at your local gym or sports center - either by attending special events or simply by popping off your headphones and chatting with others?

“Sweating together creates a unique sense of camaraderie,” writes David Tao in Forbes. “There’s plenty of chatting between sets and reps, so you get to know your fitness partners - even in their professional lives. With the right conditions, the jump from fitness buddies to business partners isn’t that far-fetched.”

4.Exercising in the fresh air can bring additional benefits

When you choose to exercise outdoors, you multiply the physical and mental benefits associated with exercise.

In a 2022 report, the Mental Health Foundation highlighted the link between connecting to nature and our mental health. Research found that people with a stronger connection to nature tend to be happier and that the quality of our relationship with nature has a positive impact on our overall well-being.

In addition, other research has shown that nature can improve our mental abilities, including logical thinking and problem-solving, as well as our physical well-being, for example by reducing cortisol levels and muscle tension.

A 2017 review of more than 200 academic studies suggests that people who live near trees and other green spaces are less likely to be obese, inactive or rely on antidepressant medication.

"There is growing evidence that people and communities can only thrive if they have access to nature," Robbie Blake, nature campaigner at Friends of the Earth Europe, told the Guardian.

So next time you're organising a company outing or team-building event, why not plan in outdoor activities such as sport, cycling or hiking and enjoy the added benefits of being in nature? Or opt for a walk instead of organising another meeting with your direct reports. With a little planning, it's easy to build more activity into the working day - and benefit from it.

Track your productivity with IceHrm

How can exercise improve workplace productivity? In many ways, from boosting creativity to helping you network. And now that you know the proven benefits, you can encourage your employees to get moving and become the best versions of themselves, both professionally and personally.

Exercise can significantly enhance work productivity through improved performance, creativity, and networking. Encourage your team to stay active and track their progress with IceHrm for a healthier, more productive workplace.