A Guide for Recruiters and HR Professionals

The best HR professionals put others first. They constantly strive to meet the needs of all employees, managers and executives.

In the meantime, they're doing everything they can to build a positive, healthy workplace culture. But when you're so selfless and committed to your work, you can put too much strain on yourself. As a result, burnout can rear its pretty little head and wreak havoc on your career and life.

You can avoid burnout by recognizing the signs and being transparent with your manager - among a few other things. But burnout doesn't necessarily have to bring you down if it affects you. Here's what you can do to prevent burnout or manage it if you ever experience it.

Prepare for common challenges

Human resources managers take on many different tasks and responsibilities - they hire employees, create work policies, ensure employee compliance and well-being, and perform performance management. They also have some big challenges to overcome. These challenges alone can be so overwhelming that they lead to burnout.

However, preparing for these everyday HR challenges and situations can help you avoid burnout. For example, HR is facing some unique challenges due to remote work. It is more difficult to provide equal support to every employee. With employee contacts limited to online interactions, maintaining morale is a common challenge for HR managers in this environment. Prepare for these challenges by ensuring every employee has access to the right connections and resources to support them.

Additionally, you should always provide managers with a list of activities to help them plan remote contacts. Preparation is key. Write down common challenges you encounter in your role. Then think about how you can overcome these challenges with less stress. Then write down specific actions you can take to reduce feelings of overload and lower your risk of burnout.

Know the signs of burnout

In addition to finding solutions to common challenges, you also need to know the signs of burnout. Simply put, burnout doesn't just mean you have a few bad days every now and then. It is a chronic condition that can impact your productivity after a period of time. Here are some signs of burnout to watch out for:

  • You feel hopeless;
  • The quality of your work suffers;
  • You are exhausted all the time;
  • You are irritable and aggressive towards others;
  • You withdraw from your personal life;
  • You can no longer find meaning in your work;
  • They are more likely to arrive late to work or leave early;
  • Headaches and muscle pains occur more frequently;
  • You no longer interact with your colleagues;
  • Your appetite and sleeping patterns have worsened.

If you notice that any of the above signs persist for weeks, it could be a sign of burnout. So, be careful.

Be transparent when you are burned out

If you notice that you're burned out, it's time to let your managers know. The last thing you should do is pretend everything is fine. Being honest about your burnout gives you the opportunity to get the support you need to cope with the situation as best you can.

Sit down with your manager as soon as possible to let them know that you are burned out. Be open about how you feel and how it affects your work and life. Then talk about possible solutions to help you overcome your burnout. It is also important that you tell your loved ones in your private life about your burnout. They can better support you when you are home if they know what you are going through.

Take some time out to recover

One thing you may need to request from your manager if you are experiencing burnout is time off. Burnout occurs when you overexert yourself and draw from an empty cup. Taking time out to rest and engage in the things and activities that are most important to you is one of the best ways to combat burnout. Ask your manager for as much free time as you need. You can plan a much-needed vacation or spend your free time in the comfort of your home - switch off your work brain and relax.

Take advantage of the opportunity to set goals

If you're ready to return to work, it's important to do things differently this time. Setting goals can help you do this. Set goals and plans to make work less stressful and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Create your goals using the SMART goal system. Each goal must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-limited. For example, “reduce the excessive demands on my work” is far too vague. Instead, set a SMART goal: "Reduce my original workload by half by the end of the quarter and work with my manager to delegate certain tasks to other team members so that I can get off work on time each day." Then, break down your goal into smaller steps to clarify your path to achieving that goal.

Prioritize ongoing holistic healthcare

In order to combat burnout in the long term, it is important that you pay attention to ongoing, holistic health care. Make time for your physical, mental and emotional health every day. The healthier you are, the less likely you are to experience burnout. So exercise regularly. Fuel your body with nutrient-dense foods. Take care of your emotional needs. And pay special attention to your mental health. Perform activities such as meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, and therapy, and surround yourself with positive energy to keep your mind and mood up.

In the fast-paced world of HR, recognizing and addressing burnout is crucial for maintaining productivity and well-being. By proactively identifying signs of burnout, communicating openly with managers, and prioritizing self-care, HR professionals can navigate challenges effectively and sustain a healthy work-life balance. IceHrm offers resources and support to empower HR professionals in their journey towards preventing and managing burnout.