6 Smart Ways to Accelerate Recruitment with Innovative Strategies

If you haven't experienced first-hand the 'great shake-up' and the fact that the number of vacancies in the UK is at an all-time high, perhaps you will soon.

Our recent HR research found that almost half (46%) of SME employees in Europe plan to look for a new job in the next 12 months. Yet 62% of employers have difficulty finding the qualified employees they need.

So how can you ensure you are able to hire the right people at the right time? As Forbes reports, the hiring process has completely changed and now sometimes only takes five days.

While this isn't right for every company, if you eliminate the less efficient parts of your hiring process, it's probably possible. When we streamlined our process, we were able to speed up our hiring by 40% and achieve a 100% offer acceptance rate.

1. Reduce the time spent posting ads

Before hiring teams even start receiving applications, they need to invest time in getting their ads to appear in the right place at the right time. Statista estimates that almost half of the world's applications come from job boards. Each job board and position requires a significant amount of time to complete.

2. Organize new applications automatically

Anyone who has ever worked in recruiting knows that talent acquisition teams spend a lot of time in their inbox and often receive hundreds of applications per day.

3. Speed up interview follow-up

Once you've selected a good candidate, it's important to make the interview process as smooth as possible. A lack of communication can be detrimental to your employer branding or even cost you potential new employees.

According to software review site G2, an estimated 52% of candidates receive no communication in the two to three months after applying, while 63% decline a job offer due to a poor candidate experience.

4. Change how you schedule interviews

Hiring teams spend an average of nearly five days (4.75) on interviews, and that doesn't even take into account the time it takes to even organize them. A study suggests that the simple task of scheduling an interview can take anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours.

5. Easily collect reviews

After an interview, it can be very time consuming to ensure that a) the feedback is standardized, b) the feedback is collected and centralized in the right place, and most importantly c) the feedback is returned in a timely manner.

6. Seamless contract creation and signing

It is estimated that the average time between interview and job offer is 20-40 days. So it's no wonder that the rejection rate for these offers is almost 20% in some industries.

In fact, HR Magazine reports that a shocking 50% of UK professionals have turned down a job offer because the recruitment process took too long. So, it's extremely important to shorten this part of the process wherever possible.

In the dynamic landscape of recruitment, IceHrm stands as your ally, providing cutting-edge solutions to streamline and expedite your hiring process. Elevate your recruitment efficiency, reduce time-to-hire, and secure top talent seamlessly with IceHrm's innovative HR solutions.