5 Benefits of Diversity in the Workplace

Diversity in the workplace means the acceptance and inclusion of employees from all backgrounds. A diverse workplace is an important asset as it recognises each employee's individual strengths and the potential they bring to the table. Valuing the differences of others is what ultimately brings us all together and can be the secret to a successful, thriving workplace and a fair work culture.

What is diversity in the workplace?

Diversity in the workplace means respecting and valuing the skills and differences that each employee brings to the workplace. A diverse workplace is an inclusive environment that provides equal rights and opportunities for all employees, regardless of gender, colour, age, ethnicity, physical ability, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, etc.

In Australia, it is a legal requirement that companies provide equal opportunities to their employees and create a workplace that is free from discrimination and harassment. Employers are responsible for taking action to overcome disadvantage and discrimination in the workplace. This includes valuing diversity in the workplace and ensuring that a workplace is free from racial and sexual harassment, discrimination and bullying.

Types of diversity in the workplace

It is important to recognise the types of diversity and identify ways in which you, as a workplace, employer or employee, can contribute to a more diverse and inclusive workplace. Employing employees with disabilities and treating them fairly is one of the ways employers can create a more diverse workplace and diversify skills within a workplace.

Funding and incentive schemes are now available to encourage businesses to support people with a disability, Indigenous Australians, people of older age and the long-term unemployed.

Here are some tips to help create a more diverse workplace:
  • Discuss diversity with your staff and highlight the benefits of a diverse workplace.
  • Identify and address any bias in the hiring process. Make sure hiring managers are aware of the qualities and benefits that applicants from diverse backgrounds can bring to the organisation and ensure they facilitate a fair hiring process. Let applicants know that you are an equal employer.
  • Value the individual skills that employees bring to the table and ensure that you use these strengths to expand your market and grow your business.
    Allow flexible working and offer parental leave options for both women and men.
  • Create and implement your own "Workplace Diversity Plan" (see the ACMA Diversity Plan for an example) to familiarise employees with the practice of diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Benefits of diversity in the workplace

A diverse and multicultural workplace brings several benefits. As today's world becomes increasingly globalised and interconnected, companies should take advantage of the diverse skills that people from different backgrounds and languages can bring to the table.

The top five benefits of diversity in the workplace include:
  • Increased productivity: a diverse workplace allows for more ideas and processes. This diversity of talent means a wider range of skills among employees, as well as a diversity of experiences and perspectives, which increases the potential for greater productivity
  • Increased creativity: when different cultures and backgrounds work together, there is an opportunity for more creativity. This is because there are more people with different perspectives and solutions to problems, which allows for a greater chance of finding a workable solution to a problem in the workplace.
  • Improved cultural awareness: A broad range of cultures in the workplace allows companies to deal with the different nuances within a global marketplace. For example, if a company does business with China, having an employee who speaks Mandarin is beneficial and can lead to better workplace relations.
  • A positive reputation: companies that have a diverse workplace are often perceived as better employers. Potential employees want an employer that is accepting and tolerant of all backgrounds and that treats its employees fairly
  • Higher marketing opportunities: when potential employees or customers see that a company represents a diverse workplace, they feel that they are more likely to identify with the company. Using advertising that features people of a more mature age, different disability or different ethnicity encourages applicants to apply, promotes a positive reputation, increases market awareness and generates a more diverse customer base

Diversity in the workplace means getting the best out of your employees and giving them the opportunity to reach their full potential. This benefits your business by fostering a more diverse and innovative talent pool.

Diversify your workplace

If you're looking to make your workplace more diverse, get in touch with the Ability Options team today, or start your search for the perfect employee here.

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